How much to go from Kerch to Alupka. How many km from Kerch to Alupka

                                      The distance from Kerch to Alupka is 282 km. Information about the distance was obtained by plotting a route on roads. It is important to know the number of kilometers in order to calculate the travel time and estimate the cost of the trip. So, according to the map, the length of the road from Kerch to Alupka is 282 km. Using the average vehicle speed and the calculated mileage, we get that the approximate travel time is 4 hours 11 minutes. Also, based on the number of kilometers and the current price of gasoline, you can calculate the cost of the trip and stock up on the necessary amount of fuel. When traveling for long distances, determine in advance at which kilometer of the route you will make stops for rest. Our map will help you find the shortest route from Kerch to Alupka, which will reduce your costs and eliminate unnecessary travel time. The bold line indicates your chosen path. Sometimes it’s interesting to know the number of kilometers in other units: 282 km. km \u003d 175.23 miles. The "Print version" function allows you to print a map from Kerch to Alupka.

If you are planning a long-distance trip, you should remember a few simple but important rules: - carefully prepare your car for a long trip: check the level of engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, make sure that all lighting and other devices are functioning properly. - Perform a tire pressure check. It is very important that it corresponds to the pressure recommended for your vehicle. - prepare a spare tire and towing cable - no one is safe from wheel puncture or breakdown on the track, possible troubles should be foreseen in advance and avoided. - Choose roads with a high-quality coating - this will extend the life of your "iron horse" and save your nerves. When preparing for the trip, think through everything to the smallest detail so that the trip leaves pleasant memories, and not a headache.

Using our site you can get directions for the Kerch - Alupka movement both by car and public transport (bus, train). All routes are formed on the basis of Yandex and Google service maps. We are glad that our service was useful to you and you could find out how to get by car from the point of Kerch (Russia) to the point of Alupka (Russia).

Distance between Kerch and Alupka

If you travel by car, the distance between Kerch, the city district of Kerch, the Republic of Crimea and Alupka, the Yalta City Council, and the Republic of Crimea is 277.2 km.

  • Travel time

    4 hours, 41 minutes

    excluding traffic jams and time for rest and meals

  • Fuel consumption

    at a rate of 10 liters per 100 kilometers

  • Travel costs

    at a fuel cost of 35 rubles per liter

  • Straight distance

    the distance between the centers of cities, towns, villages

  • Road distance

    according to Yandex Map service for 2015

  • tell friends
Start of route
Less than 1 minute - 0 km
Kerch  Kerch city district, Republic of Crimea, Russia Less than 1 minute 0 km
1 minutes - 0.7 km
ivanovka village 1 minutes 0.7 km
20 minutes - 23.1 km
gornostaevka village,  Leninsky district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 22 minutes 23.8 km
51 minutes - 59.2 km
novoselovka village,  Leninsky district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 14 minutes 83.1 km
3 minutes - 3.3 km
marfovka village  Leninsky district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 17 minutes 86.3 km
15 minutes - 13.4 km
vulkanovka village,  Leninsky district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 1 hours, 33 minutes 99.8 km
44 minutes - 44.9 km
urban settlement Ordzhonikidze, 2 hours, 18 minutes 144.7 km
47 minutes - 49.8 km
urban-type settlement Koktebel,  Feodosia city district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 3 hours, 5 minutes 194.5 km
2 minutes - 2.7 km
urban-type resort resort,  Feodosia city district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 3 hours, 7 minutes 197.2 km
5 minutes - 5.1 km
the village of Coastal, 3 hours, 13 minutes 202.3 km
21 minutes - 21.1 km
bugaz village,  Sudak urban district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 3 hours, 35 minutes 223.4 km
1 hours, 6 minutes - 53.8 km
gurzuf urban-type village,  Yalta city district, Republic of Crimea, Russia 4 hours, 41 minutes 277.2 km

Fuel consumption calculator:


We have selected several flight options for this route. Search for air tickets was carried out taking into account the price, time of departure. If you want to buy a cheap flight Kerch - Alupka or another route, then follow the link.

Train tickets

Looking for cheap train tickets to Alupka or Kerch? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. .

Bus tickets

Do you need cheap tickets for intercity or international buses in Alupka or Kerch? We will help you in this matter. Follow this link. Tickets for intercity buses.

Closest airports to Alupka

Nearest Airports to Kerch


Need to choose and book a cheap hotel in Alupka or in Kerch? Our site has a convenient resource for online hotel reservation. Just follow the link.

I have to do with family outings on vacation. I don’t know why, but my parents loved to relax in this small town so much that every summer we literally spent a month in it. I grew up long ago, but the tradition has not changed, if I do not travel with my parents, then myself. Last summer, I got out for a week's rest and saw Alupka from the other side. It has a clear sea, a spacious beach, but most importantly, it is incredibly quiet and few people.

How to get there by car

You don’t have to choose a road from Kerch to Alupka, since it is one and passes along the beautiful Black Sea coast. You can overcome the distance of 280 kilometers in 4 hours, but this is only in theory, and in practice it will take more than 5. The road is too busy in the summer, there are a lot of tourists and vacationers, so traffic jams are created and there is nowhere to go.

Half of the route passes along the highway E-97, and the second - along the P-29. Along the coast there are a huge number of gas stations and cafes. Personally, I always stop by the dolphinarium, which is located in Koktebel, especially since it is on the road. But if you want to have a bite, I advise you to stay at the Favorit cafe, it is located right on the outskirts of Koktebel (it tastes delicious desserts there). The asphalt surface is excellent and this is despite the fact that most of the way passes through small villages.

How to get there by bus

If you want to plan your route by bus, then you should know that you can only get with a change in Yalta or Simferopol. It is most convenient to go through the last city, since there are much more flights to it. If to Yalta buses run from strength 1-2 times a day, then to Simferopol all day. The first flight leaves at 00:05, but the last at 03:40. The interval of motion is approximately 40 minutes. By the way, at the Kerch bus station you can even take the transit route, for example, Donetsk -. In general, it takes a little more than 4 hours to get to Simferopol bus station.

  • 10:00;
  • 13:00;
  • 17:20;
  • 17:30;
  • 19:10;
  • 20:45.

All these are routes going to but stopping at a small bus station in Alupka.

Buses will be comfortable with a large luggage compartment, but you have to pay for comfort. I also want to add that they depart not only from the bus station in Simferopol, but also from the airport and railway station.

Ticket price

You will have to pay at least 500 rubles for a ticket to Simferopol and about the same to Alupka. In summer, the price rises, so have extra money with you.

Buying tickets

You can buy tickets at the box office.

How to get there by plane

Here, the flight does not make sense, because the distance is small and has not yet acquired its own airport.

How to get there by train

This could be a great option, if not for the transplant and the duration of the trip. Dzhankoy takes on the role of a transshipment point. You can get there by train (flights are extremely rare) or by train, but it runs only 4 times a day, the schedule changes almost daily, so check at Kerch station. But up to Simferopol there are three electric trains daily and also with an unstable schedule. The transfer route takes from 6 to 12 hours. And once in Simferopol, it will be possible to take a bus to Alupka (I wrote above how to do this).

Ticket price

  • Dzhankoy - 150 rubles.
  •   - 75 rubles.

Buying tickets

At the Kerch railway station, you can immediately purchase tickets to Dzhankoy and Simferopol.

Distance Kerch - Alupka on the highway is 274 km, in a straight line - 217 km. In countries with an English system of measures, the length of this route is 171 miles along the road and 135 miles in a straight line. The trip Kerch - Alupka by car will last approximately 3 hours 55 minutes.

The route Kerch - Alupka runs along the following route:

The road map is highlighted in red on the map and runs next to 5 settlements. To plot the Kerch - Alupka route for a car and find out how many kilometers between these settlements, the exact coordinates of cities, roads and other geographical objects were used.

Gas stations on the highway are displayed on the map. The total number of gas stations is 2, including:

    Rosneft: 2

To find out what traffic jams are on the Kerch - Alupka road now, check the "Traffic jams" box and enlarge the map. To find out how to get from Kerch to Alupka by car through intermediate cities and towns, list them when calculating the distance. To get a roadmap in a convenient format, click.

Exact satellite coordinates of roads and settlements were used to build the route and calculate the distance. We do not guarantee absolute accuracy and are not responsible for the route built.