Andean Candelabrum Paracas: The Great Riddle of Peru. The mystery of "the seven seals"

  - an amazing country where, according to scientists, the first intelligent civilization arose. This mysterious state keeps on its lands many mysterious objects, the origin of which for centuries has been puzzled by scientists from all over the world. One such mystical object is.

Surely, many have heard of "" - huge ground-based images located in the southern part of Peru. However, not everyone knows that about 200 km from the famous geoglyphs is another mysterious “print”, over the mission of which historians and archaeologists have been racking their brains for many years.

Or Chandelier of Paracas   (Spanish Candelabro de Paracas) - a giant drawing on the side of a mountain located in the Pacific bay (Spanish Península de Paracas), near the city of Pisco (Spanish Pisco), Peru, Ica Department. The geoglyph is located in the protected area of \u200b\u200bthe Paracas National Reserve (Spanish: La Reserva Nacional de Paracas), founded on September 25, 1975.

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The name “Chandelier” is rather figurative - it is doubtful that the goal of the authors of this “art” was to depict an interior element on the hillside. Locals, Christians, renamed the geoglyph to " Three crosses"(Spanish: Las Tres Cruces), Indians call the drawing simply" Trident».

In recent years, the ancient "Candelabrum" has gained fame as one of Peru's most popular attractions, attracting tourists from all over the world, and has also become the object of close attention of the world scientific community - historians, archaeologists, ethnographers and astrophysicists.

How to get there

The Paracas Peninsula is located 240 km south of the Peruvian capital, (Spanish Lima). It is here, on the slope of the impressive mountain, towering on the shores of Pisco Bay (Spanish Bahía de Pisco), a huge drawing is engraved that can be perfectly seen from the sea. To do this, it is best to get from Lima to Pisco by car, from there sail by boat to the Candelabra.

A boat trip takes about 20 minutes.


The Andean Candelabrum of Paracas is a geoglyph "drawn" in the form of a huge trident on the slope of a 400-meter mountain. The pattern is formed by grooves dug on the surface of a mountain slope, which consists of red porphyry - a reddish volcanic rock. The shape of the image is mysterious and complex enough to describe.

Some find it to be similar to a cactus, others believe that the image looks more like a huge tricirium - a candlestick with three "horns", it is a candelabrum: the main trunk is divided into 3 branches, each of which in turn also branches. Two side branches are decorated with images of human figures, snakes and salamanders. The height of the “Candelabra” is 128 m, the width is approx. 100 m, the thickness of the lines is from 1.5 to 4 m, and the depth of the grooves in some places reaches 2 m.

The central axis has the appearance of a furrow, as if dug by a giant harrow or a ship that has rolled down a slope into the sea. Two lateral branches are narrower and smaller.

Riddles of the Ancient Trident

While scientists are polemicizing about the age of the Peruvian geoglyph, radiocarbon analysis dated nearby pottery found in 200 BC. The fact that the drawing also survived for many centuries, and possibly millennia, is not in doubt. But time was not dominant over the symbol engraved by the mysterious master. Neither strong ocean winds nor fierce sandstorms could erase the giant "Andean Candelabrum" from the surface of the earth.

In some places, the slope of the mountain, decorated with a pattern, is so steep that a person has to overcome it on all fours, and even then with great difficulty, because in the Pisco region the powerful winds that the peninsula is famous for are constantly blowing. Despite the wind and the steepness of the mountain, there is no dust and sand in the air, that is, the natural dispersal forces cannot overcome the density of the surface sand layer of the soil.

Incredibly, this is an established fact: in this area, neither fine sand nor microscopic dust rises into the air even during a hurricane, and traces that would have been erased in any other place within an hour have remained untouched for thousands of years.

According to one of the fantastic hypotheses, the “ditches” forming the geoglyph “repel” sand, which does not fill them. But then new questions arise: what is this extraordinary “repulsion mechanism”, how does it work, by whom is it laid down? There is also the assumption that the air currents that blow from the ocean, rising up the slope of a sandy mountain, themselves blow these "ditches", preventing them from crumbling.

Origin Versions

On the origin and purpose of the "Candelabrum" there are a huge number of unconfirmed hypotheses and legends.

To date, all these versions, opinions and assumptions are based solely on the visual perception of the figure, not one of the theories has been scientifically proven. In other words, all the hypotheses, like the Trident itself, are built “on the sand”.

Charm of the Inca Treasures

According to the authors of historical chronicles - the Spanish priest, historian and geographer Siesta de Leon (Spanish: Cieza de León; 1518 or 1520-1554) and the Peruvian historian Garcillaso de la Vega   (Spanish: Garcilaso de la Vega; c. 1539 - c. 1616), jewelry was hidden here before the Spanish invasion, after they realized "that treacherous conquistadors are only interested in their treasures." Are they hidden here? No one knows this yet.

It is entirely possible that the Inca's legendary treasures that the Spanish conquistadors (Spanish Francisco Pizarro y González; c. 1475 - 1541) and (Spanish Diego de Almagro; c. 1475 - 1538) could not find were still slumbering in the golden sands of the Nazca pampa Paracas.

Nazca or not Nazca?

The closest images, identical in technique, are in (Spanish Desierto de Nazca), one of the most amazing and mystical places on the globe. Undoubtedly, the solution to the “Nazca Lines” can shed light on understanding the phenomenon of the Andean Candelabrum of Paracas.

Despite the proximity to the famous “Lines” and the similarity of the image technique, experts suggest that this geoglyph was most likely not created by the Nazca people.

The ceramic items found during excavations in the Candelabra area suggest that the Trident was created around 200 BC. e. And according to some reports, the Nazca drawings appeared 600-800 years later. It is believed that ceramics belongs to the civilization of Paracas, the successor of which was the culture of Nazca. However, there is no convincing evidence that the giant geoglyph was created by this ancient culture.

Taboo sign

Some historians suggest that the "Andean Candelabrum" was created during the time of the Incas and was supposed to play the role of a prohibition sign warning people from visiting this place.

Such an explanation may be satisfactory if we consider it together with the Nazca plateau. According to the popular hypothesis, the mysterious lines covering the vast area of \u200b\u200bthe pampa are nothing more than pointers to a giant necropolis containing hundreds of thousands of mummies, each of which is equipped with everything necessary for future life. A large number of "Paracas mummies" were also found in the caves of Paracas. Therefore, there is reason to believe that this area was once a sacred territory - the burial place of ancient culture.

Icon of worship

According to some authors, the “Candelabrum” was created in 1835 by the exiled Spanish monk Ramon Rojas (Spanish), known as “Padre Guatemala” (Spanish Padre Guatemala). Making a pilgrimage from Lima to Ica, bearing the "word of God" to the natives, he and his followers reached Paracas, where they "traced" a figure on the mountain as a kind of "message to the descendants." Perhaps that is why the mountain has another local name - “Three Crosses”.

This version does not stand up to criticism, since the geoglyph existed and was described a century earlier.

But the conquistadors believed that the geoglyph symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and regarded it as a good omen and a sign that they should continue their conquests and direct the locals to the true path, converting them to the Christian faith. Although clear historical records confirming the authenticity of this statement are also missing.

Some historians believed that we are talking about the "Tree of Life", which served as a cult image in the era of ancient civilizations, the object of worship of the cultures of the Pisco Paracas region.

The famous German researcher Maria Reiche (German: Maria Reiche) for almost 50 years, since 1940, has been studying the mysterious drawings of Nazca. She believed that the plateau served the ancient ancestors of the Peruvians with a gigantic "astronomical calendar." The Andean Candelabrum of Paracas, the researcher “inscribed” in her interpretation, comparing it with the “Doinka board”, which served the Gods as a “landing site”. She emphasized that the figure was nothing more than a religious symbol.

Landmark for sailors

Due to its proximity to the ocean, the Candelabrum overgrown with a considerable number of “marine” interpretations.

According to one version, this is a kind of mark left by the filibusters who attacked the Spanish caravels, who took refuge here from their pursuers, rested and stored the looted treasures.

Indeed, on the side of the peninsula facing the ocean, there are many steep cliffs with deep caves. Some of these caves go deep underground, others are labyrinths of grottoes with jagged columns. It was in these caves that the pirates could hide their treasures. But the “Candelabrum” was made before the sixteenth century, and the shape of the geoglyph - a trident with salamanders - is much closer in style to the Incas than bloodthirsty pirates.

According to another version, the figure served as a guide and warning for seafarers who entered the area between the mountain with the “Candelabrum” and the islands located opposite it, which since ancient times were considered dangerous, because the sea is constantly stormy due to strong winds (their inhabitants of the peninsula call “paracas ").

Local fishermen, who have no time to puzzle over the decoding of a mystical drawing, consider it a lighthouse and to this day gratefully use the help of an ancient landmark, clearly visible from the ocean, from a distance of approx. 20 km from the coast.


There is documentary evidence that inside the "horns" of the "Candelabra" the Spanish conquistadors found ropes and ropes that could be used in roller mechanisms. According to a Peruvian writer Beltran Garcia   (Spanish: Beltran Garcia), possibly, the Trident was “an accurate seismograph capable of recording earth vibrations and seismic tremors, the source of which could be ... anywhere on our planet.”

Monument to Datura

There is another well-known theory, which says that the "Andean Candelabrum" is a depiction of a plant called "Datura vulgaris", which grew in Peru in prehistoric times. It is known that this drug-containing plant causes hallucinogenic reactions in a person when smoking or soaking in water. People took Datura as a shrine, worshiped it and even immortalized in such an original way.

Andean Paracas Candelabrum - Lightning Rod?

There is also a version that the geoglyph is a lightning rod of Viracocha, which in the Incan and pre-Indo mythology of the South American region was considered a great creator god. According to legend, in times of darkness Viracocha emerged from the waters and created light. He created the sun, moon, stars, and then man. Then God went to the Pacific Ocean to return to the time of difficult trials. Perhaps the goal of creating the “Chandelier” - the symbol of Viracocha - was to show the Divine the way to the people of Paracas, so that in difficult times he would not go astray, hurrying people to help.

Galactic passport

A number of Russian researchers in Nazca drawings, headed by I.E. Koltsov, a full member of the geographical society of the Russian Federation, believe that the most arid desert in the world was an ideal burial place for ancient civilizations, "providing" imperishability of mummies. And the gigantic drawings created vertical energy flows over the burials, providing "channels of communication with space." Those. the energy flows above the Nazca drawings were supposed to help the souls of the deceased ascend to heaven. According to Koltsov, who made a lot of noise in scientific circles, the Paracas Parasol Candelabrum can be the key to unraveling the mystery of the Nazca Plateau.

According to the bold hypothesis of Russian researchers, the “Trident” is nothing more than a “galactic passport” of our planet. Those. This figure contains all the information about the Earth. The left side of the figure symbolizes the fauna, the right side - the flora. The whole figure is a human face.

Near the top of the mountain there is a mark, similar in shape to a nail: this is a scale showing the “level of development of civilization” (there are 6 in total). If the Andean Candelabrum is speculatively rotated 180 °, a crucifix will result, and the “nail” will represent a nail driven into the foot of Christ. This is a kind of warning symbol that our planet may die from the unreasonable activities of man.

Further, the authors of this paradoxical idea seek to explain that this information was left to us by the inhabitants of the constellation Leo. Referring to the huge number of sculptural images of a lion on our planet and in all earthly religions, the authors hypothesize that "earthly civilization is the work of the aliens from the constellation Leo."

The mystery of "the seven seals"

Agree, the list of hypotheses and assumptions is quite solid.

But the truth is that the true meaning of the purpose of the Andean Candelabrum is still an unresolved mystery; Today, scientists cannot say anything definite about when, by whom, and for what purposes a gigantic drawing was made. The mysterious preservation of the grooves that form it has never been the subject of careful study by archaeologists. Scientists were not even able to establish the exact age of the “Candelabrum”, as, incidentally, the figures of the Nazca plateau.

Each of the hypotheses is smashed to smithereens during a more or less thorough analysis.

If the “Chandelier of Paracas” is the work of human beings - the ancient inhabitants of the Peruvian coast or the Spanish monks, then why not a single documentary mention of this fact was found in any form?

Civilizations such as Paracas (700 BC) or Nazca (300 BC) have reached a high level of development, as evidenced by the material evidence of these cultures. Therefore, for sure, the peoples - carriers of these cultures would not fail to capture in such a way such a large-scale creation (in drawings on clay vessels or fabrics). And there is nothing to talk about Franciscan monks: it is to them that humanity owes the most detailed descriptions of the conquists and peoples subjugated by the Spanish conquerors in the New World. There is no doubt that Fry Ramon Rojas would have tried to immortalize his name if he had really dug these ditches on a sandy mountain.

If the “Andean Candelabrum” is a guide for fishermen that indicates the path to the house, then why are its “candles” directed not towards Pisco, but towards the Nazca desert? Peruvian pilots claim that the "Candelabrum" is best seen from the air, and, from a considerable height. If the Trident is a ritual sign, then how could ancient people worship it, if it can only be viewed from afar - from the sea or from the air?

If the drawing is part of the ancient “astronomical calendar,” what can a candlestick-shaped figure mean or symbolize? In short, the farther into the forest - the higher the crown!

To this day, the mysterious geoglyph continues to attract the attention of curious tourists, as well as experts and amateur archaeologists from all over the world, who again and again try to unravel the secret of the origin of the mystical “Paracas tattoo”.


But maybe the three "horns" of the magnificent "Candelabrum", open to all the ocean winds, send the earthlings the SOS signal through the centuries? Indeed, today this amazing attraction of the planet really needs protection from the barbarism of some restless representatives of the human race. So, at one time, treasure seekers, who apparently believed in rumors about the “index of filibusters,” paid special attention to the geoglyph. In many places, treasure hunters left ugly pits.

Motocross lovers also cause damage to the “Candelabra”: among the “golden youth” of the capital, it is considered very cool to ride in Paracas and leave traces from the tires of your bike or car on the hill (and even cooler on the Candelabrum itself).

Both the excavations carried out by "wild" treasure hunters and the raids of extreme motorcycle racers make the question of the need to preserve a unique image for serious scientific research, and simply for future generations, more and more urgent. After all, a traveler who gets here and sees the Candlestick shrouded in mystery with his own eyes is unlikely to forget the indescribable feeling of belonging to eternity that encompasses a person standing on the edge of an unknown abyss.

Curious facts

  • Paradoxically, as an experiment, the researchers applied similar drawings to neighboring hills, which, under the influence of meteorological phenomena, literally disappeared within a few days.
  • The mystical property of the Paracas dunes, which gives the “Chandelier” the ability to withstand the destructive influence of time and weather, is as follows: an imprint made on the sand can be preserved unchanged for a long time.
  • Surprisingly, there are more and more such mysterious finds in the world every year, which confuses researchers and inspires visionaries who put forward new versions about the purpose of giant geoglyphs. Some loudly broadcast that these drawings are signs of the imminent "coming of the Creator." In any case, we can only wait or get involved in the process of unraveling the phenomenal puzzle ...


1) Many things in sections of different schools can be repeated. This is done so that those interested in one school do not have to go into sections of others.

2) The cast speed in Dark Souls 3 depends on dexterity, and reaches a maximum of 50. At the same time, the Ring of the Sage adds 30 virtual agility points that do not affect damage, but only increase the cast speed. The rings +1 and +2 give 35 and 40 virtual points, respectively, but are only available on NG + and NG ++, so this guide will not be considered.

3) Rings of power over an element increase not only damage from the corresponding magic, but also from weapons that damage this element, and also strengthen the corresponding weapon buffs. However, the rings of direct magic enhancement do not have any effect on weapon buffs.

4) Mages do not really need shields with 100% absorption of physical damage, so this guide will only consider one option for all builds: Llewelyn's Shield, tempered by a Simple Gem. It has good stability, a good parry window, it is quite light and with hardening it slowly restores mana. For the most part, this is all the wizard needs.

5) Also, if you really completely score on blocking, and rely only on parry, you can take Cestus, tempered by the same Simple gem: they are even easier to parry, it weighs even less, and it can be used as a weapon, but at the same time, if it’s wrong to parry, most likely it will completely burn all the stamina, which is fraught with death.

6) Most magicians will never have the opportunity to wear even the middle class armor along with normal weapons, so most likely, the whole game will have to run in rags. But at the same time, one thing must be remembered: if the character does not have part of the armor, he receives a penalty to basic defense. For a helmet - 10%, for gloves - 6%, for greaves - 14%, for a bib - 20%. And all this adds up, so for four empty slots the basic protection is reduced exactly by half. So in each slot it is better to have at least something.

7) Almost all characteristics have so-called softcaps - values \u200b\u200bafter which further pumping is less effective or not worth the cost at all.
Life Force - 27, 39, 50
Scholarship - 30, 60 (for cells); 35 (for mana)
Durability - 40
Physical strength - there is no softcap, for every point up to 99 the maximum load grows by 1
Strength - 40, 60 (for one-handed grip); 27, 40 (for two-handed grip)
Dexterity - 40, 60
Intelligence - 40, 60 (for Magic); 40 (for Pyromancy); 45 (for Dark Magic)
Faith - 40, 60 (for Miracles); 40 (for Pyromancy); 45 (for Dark Magic)
Luck - 40, 60

8) Just for reference: the levels and stats indicated in the specifications are not limiting. This is just a sufficient base. If you want, you can further increase your HP, mana, and anything you want to the desired values. But if you are going to PvPshitsya with these characters - it is better to stop at level 120. In this range there is a fairly large number of battles and it is considered a "meta".

First Magic: Magic

Sorcery mainly deals damage with magic, but there are spells that cause damage to darkness. Most of the spells in this school deal direct damage, it also contains several non-combat spells with useful effects, several buffs, and the only spell in the game that deals Cold damage.


  • Starting Class - Wizard
  • Level - 104
  • Vitality \u003d 27
  • Scholarship \u003d 24
  • Durability \u003d 20
  • Physical power \u003d 7
  • Strength \u003d 16
  • Dexterity \u003d 20
  • Intelligence \u003d 60
  • Faith \u003d 7
  • Luck \u003d 12

16 Strength and 18 Dexterity - the minimum requirements of a bunch of Moonlight Sword + Rapier expert on crystal spells. Why then Dexterity \u003d 20? Because the Ring of the Sage gives another 30 virtual points, which in total gives 50, and is the maximum for the casting speed.

Scrolls of Magic:

  • Scroll of the Expert   - Unlocks the Big Dart of Farron and the Castle of Farron.
    Lies in the Farron Citadel, next to the mushroom corpses: from the first fire on the left wall to three shamans, and then a little further.
  • Gold scroll   - Unlocks Light, Repair, Curved wall of light, Chameleon, Invisible weapon and Invisible body.
    Lies in the Citadel of Farron, in a cave in front of which a bunch of basilisk.
  • Logan Scroll   - Unlocks the Guided Clot of Soul and Spear of the Soul.
    He will fall from the court sorcerer in the Desecrated Capital, on the roof of the building in the middle of a toxic swamp.
  • Crystal Scroll   - Unlocks Crystal Guided Clot of Soul, Crystal Spear of Soul, and Crystal Magic Weapon.
    Falls from the Connoisseur of Crystal Charms in the Great Archive.

Magic: Spells

Direct Damage:

  • Arrow of the soul, Big arrow of the soul, Heavy arrow of the soul, Big heavy arrow of the soul - Mana Cost: 7, 10, 11, 14.   Four variations of the base Magic spell in increasing power order. They send a magic charge to the target, heavy options take longer to cast.
    Yoel sells Normal and Heavy arrows, all four options are Orbek.
  • Guided Clot Soul, Crystal Guided Clot Soul - Mana Cost: 20, 43.   Creates 5 magic spheres above the mage’s head, which discharge into any enemy that comes close. The crystalline version is more powerful and pierces enemies.
  • Spear of the Soul, Crystalline Spear of the Soul - Mana Cost: 32, 46.   Powerful magic charge piercing enemies. The damage of the Spear of the soul does not greatly exceed the Great Heavy Arrow of the Soul, so that the efficiency for single targets is so-so, but for several enemies in a row - much higher. The crystalline spear is the most powerful long-range projectile of Magic.
    Orbek sells after receiving the Logan Scroll and the Crystal Scroll, respectively.
  • Shower stream - Mana Cost: 55.   Releases a powerful stream of magic, wildly looking like a volley of laser guns. It takes a long time to charge (one of the slowest windows in the game), it consumes a lot of mana, but this is compensated by the enormous speed of flight (reaches the target almost instantly), monstrous range (much beyond the limit distance of the lock) and devastating damage (the total damage of the beam exceeds both the Crystal Spear and fully realized Ancient Moonlight). However, this damage is "smeared" by the duration of the volley (a little less than one and a half seconds) for many "ticks". And for the victim to receive full damage - it must be in the beam all the time of its existence.
    Lies in the Great Archive, behind an illusory wall with an ice knight, next to a jump on a wooden bridge.
  • White dragon's breath - Mana Cost: 25.   Creates a strip of sharp crystals in front of the mage, which quickly crumble. Despite the lower mana cost, it has a little more damage than the Spear of the soul, although it does not reach the Crystal Spear. But it has a rather small range. Crystals can grow not only on the floor, but also on the walls.
  • Farron's Sword - Mana Cost: 4.   A quick swipe with the magic sword created at the end of the staff (which means the longer the staff, the farther the sword draws). This spell has a combo of two strokes, standard for a direct sword. Damage is not much less than that of Soul Arrow. In fact, it is a long straight sword, spending mana for each hit, and dealing completely magical damage. This spell also has animations for running and rolling.
    Sells Orbek.
  • Ancient moonlight - Mana Cost: 23. Forms a magic blade on a staff, and then carries out a horizontal blow. There are two nuances: when you strike with a blade, a magic blade flies from it, and this spell can be charged. While holding the cast button for about one and a half seconds, the sword begins to glow brighter, and exude a flaming aura. In this state, the damage of the blade itself and the flying blade increases. At the same time, charging does not consume mana in excess of the cost of the spell, can be held as long as desired, and be interrupted by a roll at any time. Mana is not spent on castes, but on a hit, that is, if you charge a sword and then interrupt the castes without hitting it, there will be no mana waste. Damage is very good. If the target receives a charged strike with both a blade and a blade, the damage exceeds even the Crystal Spear of the soul, yielding only to the full damage of the Stream of Souls.
    It is created from the soul of Midir, the devourer of darkness.
  • Poisonous miasma - Mana Cost: 13.   Creates a cloud of fog that damages everything that gets into it, including the mage himself. Despite the name, the damage has nothing to do with the poison: the spell deals damage depending on the victim’s maximum HP level: the higher the maximum, the more HP is bitten off per tick. Also funny enough is that this spell not agrit   sacrifice in almost all cases.
    Orbek sells, after giving him one of any scrolls.
  • Big magic weapon, Crystal magic weapon - Mana Cost: 35, 45.   Adds magic damage to the weapon for 60 seconds. 85% / 95%   from Strengthening catalyst spells. Cannot be superimposed on most rare weapons, or on weapons hardened by a non-physical gem.
    A large version lies in the section between the Farron Citadel and the Torment Forest, next to a huge crystalline lizard.
    Orbek sells the crystalline after receiving the Crystal Scroll.
  • Large magic shield - Mana Cost: 60.   Increases shield stability by 35 points and increases damage absorption of all types to 100% for 30 seconds. Any shield with a stability of 65 or higher will block attacks without the cost of stamina. Unlike weapon buffs, can be placed on Simple and Sanctified shields.
    Drops from a creeping leech creature in the Iritilla Dungeon. From the first bonfire you need to go straight down the corridor and jump down to where it will be in one of the chambers.
Auxiliary spells:
  • Invisible body - Mana Cost: 25. It makes the mage almost invisible, so that the enemies begin to react only if you walk a couple of meters from them. It allows you to bypass the enemy, or to approach, capture him in a lock and put a couple of spells while he reacts.
    Sells Orbek after receiving the Golden Scroll.
  • Spy - Mana Cost: 15.   Completely extinguishes the sounds of walking and damage from falling (non-fatal) for 20 seconds.
    Sells Orbek.
  • Icy grip - Mana Cost: 16.   Creates a cloud of frosty fog.
    Lies in the painted world of Ariandel, at the bottom of the abyss under the bridge, at an impasse behind living trees.

Magic: Outfit

  • Court Sorcerer's Staff   - the best staff for the Magic caste, with a sufficiently developed Intelligence (50 and above).
    Lies in facial expressions in the Fel Capital, in a building in the middle of a toxic swamp.
Worthy of mention:
  • Heretic's Staff   - quite early staff, which is better than the starting one.
    The Forest of Anguish lies near the bonfire, inside a building with a bunch of enemies.
  • Ring with a young dragon   - Strengthens spells of Magic by 15%.
    There are from the beginning of the game, but if you play NOT   for the Sorcerer - Orbek gives out after buying 3 any spells or giving him 1 any scroll.
  • Roaring Dragon Ring   - Strengthens spells of Magic by 25%.
    Lies in the Dungeons of Iritilla, in a section that leads to a facial expression with a fragment of estus.
  • Ring of Power Over Magic   - Enhances magic attack by 15%, which affects not only spells, but also magic weapons, but cuts physical resist by 10%.
    Lies behind an illusory wall, in Iritilla Square, near the bonfire Church of Yorshki.
  • Sage's ring   - Accelerates spell casting.
Worthy of mention:
  • Ring "Crown of the Dawn"
  • Aesthus Ash Ring
  • Lloyd's Sword Ring
  • Red stone ring
  • Scientist's ring
  • Moonlight Sword   - branded magic one and a half series. Requires 16 Strength, 11 Dexterity, and 26 Intelligence. Good intellect scale, disgusting Force scale. A unique feature is that charged power attacks send a magic blade from the blade, exploding when hit, and not consuming mana, but reducing the strength of the sword by 4 per shot, plus if used point-blank, both the sword and the blade will cause damage.
    It is created from the soul of the Snake Oceiros.
  • Crystal Enchanting Rapier   - a magic rapier with bad skills on Strength and Dexterity, but with a good one on Intellect. Requires 13 Strength and 18 Dexterity. It plays the role of a quick auxiliary weapon. When in the active slot, increases item search by 50.
    It is created from the soul of a connoisseur of crystal spells.
Worthy of mention:
  • Scientist candelabrum
    It falls from scientists in the Great Archives, and is also sold by Serokrys after his campaign in Iritill.
  • Knight Lothric Sword(tempered by the Crystal gem) - just a straight, fast sword, with excellent elemental skales and a universal movset. Requires 11 Strength and 18 Dexterity. Has slightly increased critical damage.
  • Ice Ax Hazel   - a piercing hammer with a good intellect skill that can cast Magic. Requires 12 Strength, 10 Dexterity, and 19 Intelligence.
    Falls from the Hazel Phantom in Torment Forest or Farron's Citadel.
  • Astorian Two-Handed Sword(tempered by Crystal Gem) - an incredibly light two-handed with an excellent elemental scale. Requires 16 Strength and 18 Dexterity. It has an excellent movie set, good damage after hardening, a chic two-handed stunlock and high versatility.
  • Sword of justice   - similar to the Moonlight Sword, but has more physical damage and less magic, including from skyla. It requires 17 Strength, 15 Dexterity and 12 Intelligence, which means that you will need to invest 1 extra point in the Strength. Skill - a stand with a lunge on a light attack, and a flying magic blade on a power one. Using the skill also puts a buff on the sword, giving 80 points of magic damage.
    It is created from the soul of Pontiff Salivan.
  • Stalker Saber(hardened by Crystal gem) - a saber with a good elemental skill after hardening. Requires 9 Strength and 14 Dexterity. The skill knocks shields well and does good damage, but mostly R1 is used.
  • Crescent sword   - Shot with native magic damage and a good Intel skill. Skill launches magic blades.
    Falls from Leonhardt during the finale of his quest line.
  • Crown of Dawn   - Strengthens spells, but greatly reduces magic resist.
    Lies in the Farron Citadel, under a birch, next to which a crab runs.
  • Mantle of the Guardian of Fire
  • Firewalker Gloves
  • Black leather boots
In fact, only the Crown of the Dawn is required, in the remaining slots you can carry anything, the main thing is to fit into 70% of the load with the selected weapon.

Second Magic: Miracle

Miracles causing damage are roughly divided into electrical and physical. This school is full of healing spells, as well as buffs, including weapons. Only in this school there are two spells that cause Bleeding, as well as a spell that blocks magic.


  • Starting Class - Cleric
  • Level - 107
  • Vitality \u003d 27
  • Scholarship \u003d 24
  • Durability \u003d 20
  • Physical power \u003d 9
  • Strength \u003d 18
  • Dexterity \u003d 20
  • Intelligence \u003d 7
  • Faith \u003d 60
  • Luck \u003d 13
27 Vitality is considered the first softcap of HP, and gives 1000 in the base, without coal and boosters. If this value is not enough, you can increase it further: second softcap \u003d 39 (1200). Third \u003d 50 (1300), but I do not recommend upgrading to it, since the increase is not worth the levels spent.

24 Scholarships provides 4 cells and 181 mana. 4 cells are usually enough, but if you really want to, you can increase the Learning to 30 and get the fifth and 233 mana.

18 Strength and 18 Dexterity - the minimum requirements of the sheaf Dragonfighter Ax + Astor two-handed sword. Why then Dexterity \u003d 20? Because the Ring of the Sage gives another 30 virtual points, which in total gives 50, and is the maximum for the casting speed.

In general, with the parameters of Strength, Dexterity and Physical power, you can play in a very wide range, customizing them to your favorite weapons and clothes.

Sacred tomes

  • Sacred Tome of Karim   - Unlocks Medium Heal, Tears of Denial and Strength.
    Lies on the Path of victims, half-secret under the bridge, in front of the second bonfire.
  • Sacred Tome of Lothric   - Unlocks Abundant Light, Blessed Weapons, and the Magic Barrier.
    Lies in Lothrick's Castle, in a room with a facial expression, next to a white defiled dragon.
  • London Sacred Tome   - Unlocks the Vow of Silence, the Dark Blade and Repeated Death.
    Sells Yuri.
  • Deep Sacred Tome   - Unlock Depth Defense and Locust.
    Lies in the Temple of the Depths, in facial expressions after the first giant.

Miracle: Spells

Direct damage

  • Thunder Spear, Large Thunder Spear, Spear of Light - Mana Cost: 23, 32, 48.   Classic zippers in increasing order of strength. If used point-blank - lightning strikes twice, dealing about 70% more damage. Spear of Light - the most powerful Miracle in the game.
    A thunder spear lies in Farron's Citadel, above Farron's Old Wolf, in a half-hidden area with three lizards.
    A large spear is issued if you bring 30 Light medals to the altar in Lothrick's castle.
    The Spear of Light is created from the Soul of overlords.
  • Thunder stake - Mana Cost: 34.   Lightning strikes the ground in front of him. Damage surpasses any Miracle, except for the Spear of Light, released at point blank range, but you have to pay for it with a range that is literally a couple of meters ahead.
    Falling from a giant worm in Smoldering Lake.
  • Lightning storm - Mana Cost: 36.   An electric flash around the caster, with a circular electric wave and a rather long custom. Damage depends on how many charges hit the target.
    Created from the soul of the Nameless King.
  • Thunderbolt - Mana Cost: 19. Releases a fast electric charge that flies far. Damage roughly between normal and large Thunder Spears at a distance. The cast can be delayed for an arbitrarily long time, and can also be interrupted by a roll without the cost of mana. Also with a charged arrow, you can walk slowly.
    Lies in the City behind the wall, immediately after the bridge with Midir, behind the triple illusory wall.
  • Wrath of the gods - Mana Cost: 40.   An explosion around the caster that deals physical damage. Throws so many enemies to the ground. Damage is slightly larger than that of the Big Spear at point blank range, but a rather long cast.
    Lies in the Corrupted Capital, on a pedestal in a building, in the middle of a toxic swamp.
  • Locust, Locust Dorris - Mana Cost: 15, 20.   The Dark Miracle sends a flock of locusts to the enemy, causing darkness damage and causing bleeding. Locust inflicts 130 units of bleeding, Locust Dorris - 210. Also Locust Dorris inflicts two streams instead of one, which increases the area of \u200b\u200beffect.
    Locusts are sold by Irina or Karla, after receiving the Deep Tome.
    Locust Dorris falls from a preacher in the semi-secret courtyard of Iritilla, behind an illusory fence near the first lizard.
  • Thunderblade, Dark Moon Blade - Mana Cost: 50.   Adds to weapons for 60 seconds electric / magic   Damage of 95% of Catalyst Spell Amplification. Cannot be superimposed on most rare weapons, or on weapons hardened by a non-physical gem.
    The Thunderblade lies in the Iritilla Dungeon, in a section with an elevator on the balcony.
    The Dark Moon Blade issues Yorshk after receiving 30 Evidence of Fidelity.
  • Dark blade - Mana Cost: 35.   Adds darkness damage to weapons for 60 seconds at a rate of 85% of Catalyst Spell Amplification. Cannot be superimposed on most rare weapons, or on weapons hardened by a non-physical gem. Unlike other dark miracles, only the catalyst scale on Vera is taken into account.
    Sell \u200b\u200bIrina or Karla after receiving the London Tome.
  • Blessed weapon - Mana Cost: 35.   Increases weapon physical damage by 7.5% for 45 seconds. Also gives increased undead damage and slow regeneration (by 60 Vera - 4HP per second).
    Irina sells after receiving the Lothric Tome.
  • Holy vow - Mana Cost: 65.   For 60 seconds, it gives the caster and nearby allies a 10% increase in any outgoing damage, and 10% reduces the damage taken.
    It is issued if you bring 10 Light medals to the altar in the Lothric castle.
  • Deep defense - Mana Cost: 35. Comprehensive Buff. Increases outgoing damage by 5%, reduces damage taken by 5%, increases resistance by 20 points and accelerates stamina recovery by 3 units / s.
    Sell \u200b\u200bIrina or Karla after receiving the Deep Tome.
  • Tears of denial - Mana Cost: 100.   Second chance. Suppresses a fatal blow and leaves 1 HP, while not protecting against guaranteed fatal falls. After the cast, it hangs indefinitely until it works, but disappears with any loading screen.
    Irina sells after receiving the Karim tome.
  • Healing, Secondary Healing, Powerful Healing, Soothing Sun - Mana Cost: 45, 55, 65, 80.   Restores HP to the caster and allies around in size 300% / 400% / 550% / 700%   Catalyst spell boosts. While holding the cast button, the spell can be delayed for an arbitrarily long time, and interrupted by a roll without the cost of mana. The calming sun has an increased range.
    The usual and secondary treatment sells Irina.
    A powerful treatment lies in Iritilla, in the corner of a large flooded area under the bridge.
    The calming sun is created from the soul of a dancer.
  • Replenishment, Abundant Light, Abundant Sun - Mana Cost: 30, 45, 70.   For 60 seconds, restores the caster of HP at a speed 5 / 7 / 10   per second. The Abundant Sun also acts on nearby allies.
    Replenishment is sold by Irina, Abundant Light - she is after receiving the Lothric Tome.
    The Abundant Sun is created from the Soul of the Rosary.
  • Comforting tears - Mana Cost: 14.   It removes the status effects of Frostbite, Bleeding, Poison and Toxin. Also throws off leeches, provoking bleeding.
    Sells Irina.

Miracle: Outfit

  • Bell yorkshki   - The best catalyst for miracles, with a sufficiently high Faith (50 and above).
    Falling from yorkshki. You can’t get it anymore, so if you need the Dark Moon Blade, you better get it in advance.
  • Talisman of Saint   - a catalyst, only slightly worse than the bell of Yorkshka. It is used only if you need the skill of talismans - hyper armor during casting.
    Lies in the Undead Settlement, in a room with a bunch of rats under Irina’s camera.
Worthy of mention:
  • Cleric's Sacred Bell   - Cleric's initial catalyst, which may well be used up to 50 Faith.
  • Canvas Mascot   - the catalyst, again, is slightly worse than the clergy bell, and is used if you need a hyper armor.
    Can be purchased from a maid in the Temple of Fire, after receiving the paladin's ashes.
  • Morne's Ring   - Strengthens Miracles by 15%. Does not enhance healing and buffs.
    Lies between the first and second bonfire on the Path of Victims, under the bridge, behind which there are a lot of ravens.
  • Ring of the Firstborn of the Sun   - Strengthens Miracles by 25%. Still not boost buffs and healing.
    It lies on Iritilla Square, on a pedestal that must be jumped from above, from the entrance to Pontiff Salivan.
  • Ring of Power Over Lightning   - Strengthens the attack with lightning by 15%, which affects not only spells, but also electric weapons, but cuts physical resist by 10%.
    Lies on the Peak of the Ancient Dragons, to the left of the entrance to the Ancient Wyvern.
  • Sage's ring   - Accelerates spell casting.
    Lies inside a building in the Forest of Anguish, at water level.
Worthy of mention:
  • Ring "Crown of the Dawn"   - Reduces mana cost for spells by 25%, but at the same time reduces the maximum level of HP by 15%.
    Lies in the Iritilla Dungeon, in one of the rooms next to the main hall with a bunch of jailers.
  • Aesthus Ash Ring   - 20% increase mana recovery with ashen aesthus. If not too lazy - you can put on this ring before each sip of the blue flask, and then immediately remove it. But at the same time, the +10 flask restores exactly 200 units of mana, which gives a full manapul at 24 Scholarships from scratch, and without a ring.
    Lies in abandoned graves, in a coffin in which the character begins the game in the Ashes Cemetery.
  • Lloyd's Sword Ring   - Increases any damage by 12.5-15% with full HP.
    Lies in the Temple of the Depths, immediately after the first giant.
  • Red stone ring   - Increases any damage by 20% at a critical (less than 20%) CP level.
    Lies in Lothrick's Castle, right in front of the Dragonfighter Armor. To the right of the elevator you need to go into the small chapel and go out onto the balcony.
  • Prayer ring
  • Dragonhawk Ax(Tempered Rough Gem) - an electrotor with great total damage. Requires 18 Strength and 14 Dexterity. It has a rather poor physical scale, but does not have an electric one at all, so with the characteristics of a magician, rough tempering is the best choice. A big plus is that it can be buffed (best of all, with Thunder Blade), accelerating damage to actually two-handed indicators.
    Falls from Creighton's phantom in a cemetery near the Yorkshire Church.
  • Astorian Two-Handed Sword(tempered by Thunder gem) - an incredibly light two-handed with an excellent elemental scale. Requires 16 Strength and 18 Dexterity. It has an excellent movie set, good damage after hardening, a chic two-handed stunlock and high versatility.
    Lies to the left of the entrance to the cemetery of the Temple of the Depths.
Worthy of mention:
  • Knight Lothrick's Two-Handed Sword(tempered by the Sanctified Gem) - a rare case when a weapon really makes sense to sanctify with a large Faith. It requires 24 Strength and 16 Dexterity, so either you have to increase Strength by 6, or use it in only two hands. In any case, the physical power will have to be increased by 8. The advantage of the Consecrated Gem is that a good Vera scale is applied simultaneously to physical and electrical damage, making the increase very significant, although depriving the buff. Holy weapons also slowly restore HP.
    It falls from the knights of Lothrick, armed with it, and is also sold at Serokrys after his campaign in Iritill.
  • Knight Lothric Sword(tempered by Thunder gem) - just a straight, fast sword, with excellent elemental skeletons and a universal movie set. Requires 11 Strength and 18 Dexterity. Has slightly increased critical damage.
    It falls from the knights of Lothrick, armed with it, and is also sold at Serokrys after his campaign in Iritill.
  • Stalker Saber(hardened by Thunder gem) - a saber with a good elemental skill after hardening. Requires 9 Strength and 14 Dexterity. The skill knocks shields well and does good damage, but mostly R1 is used.
    Lies in the painted world of Ariandel, under a destructible bridge, on one of the branches.
  • Dragonfighter's Spear   - A rather heavy spear with native electric damage. Requires 20 Strength and 20 Dexterity. It has a good Skill for Dexterity and so-so for Vera.
    Lies at the Peak of the Ancient Dragons, right at the gate, above the bonfire. Mausoleum of the dragon family.
  • Rose of ariandel   - a whip with a hammer movie. Requires 10 Strength, 12 Dexterity, and 17 Faith. Has good scales for the Force and Faith. It can be used as a catalyst for Miracles, but not too good. The skill increases Miracles by 25% for 2 minutes, at the cost of 300-500 HP (depends on the maximum level of HP). Does not enhance healing and buffs, does not subside, if you remove the Rose.
    It is created from the soul of Sister Friede.
  • Pyromancer Crown
  • Mantle of the Guardian of Fire   - just easy fashion. Lies in a tower in the Temple of Fire, on a protruding coffin.
  • Firewalker Gloves   - also easy fashion, lie in the same place as the mantle.
  • Black leather boots   - and again easy fashion. Sells Patchwork.

Third Magic: Pyromancy

Pyromancy mainly deals fire damage, but also has spells that deal damage with darkness and physics. Also in this school there are various buffs, one healing spell, as well as the only hypnosis and poison spells in the game.


  • Starting Class - Pyromancer
  • Level 113
  • Vitality \u003d 27
  • Scholarship \u003d 24
  • Durability \u003d 20
  • Physical power \u003d 8
  • Strength \u003d 16
  • Dexterity \u003d 20
  • Intelligence \u003d 40
  • Faith \u003d 40
  • Luck \u003d 7
27 Vitality is considered the first softcap of HP, and gives 1000 in the base, without coal and boosters. If this value is not enough, you can increase it further: second softcap \u003d 39 (1200). Third \u003d 50 (1300), but I do not recommend upgrading to it, since the increase is not worth the levels spent.

24 Scholarships provides 4 cells and 181 mana. 4 cells are usually enough, but if you really want to, you can increase the Learning to 30 and get the fifth and 233 mana.

If you want to squeeze a reasonable maximum out of dark Magic and the Crystal Bell, then Intellect and Faith should be increased to 45/45.

16 Strength and 18 Dexterity - the minimum requirements of the ligament Knight Lothric sword + Astor two-handed sword. Why then Dexterity \u003d 20? Because the Ring of the Sage gives another 30 virtual points, which in total gives 50, and is the maximum for the casting speed.

In general, with the parameters of Strength, Dexterity and Physical power, you can play in a very wide range, customizing them to your favorite weapons and clothes.

Pyromancy books

  • Book of Pyromancy of the Great Marsh   - Unlocks the Fiery Orb, Bursting Fireball, Poison Fog and Instant Sweat.
    Lies in the Forest of torment, in deep water next to a huge crab.
  • Book of Pyromancy of Cartus   - Unlocks Acid Spray, Kartus Lighthouse and Kartus Flame Arc.
    Lies in the Catacombs of Kartus, almost at the entrance. From the first bridge approximately in the middle, you need to jump to the platform on the left.
  • Book of Pyromancy of the Keeper of the Graves   - Unlocks the Black Flame and the Black Fire Orb.
    Lies in the arena of Volnir.
  • Book of Quilana Pyromancy   - Unlocks the Fiery whip, Fiery storm and Harmony.
    Lies in the Ruins of demons, behind an illusory wall in a small room with three rats.
  • Book of Isalith's Pyromancy   - Unlocks the Storm of Chaos and the Great Fire Orb of Chaos.
    Lies in the ruins of demons, next to the bonfire. Entrance hall of the old king.

Pyromancy: Spells

Direct damage

  • Fireball, fire sphere, black fire sphere, large fire sphere of chaos - Mana Cost: 10, 14, 22, 32.   Classic parabolic shells in increasing order of strength. They have a small AoE, allowing you to cling to several enemies at once, if they stand close. The black sphere deals damage with darkness and knocks down shields well, while the sphere of Chaos leaves a puddle of lava, which additionally deals about 45% of damage and quickly disappears. If the target takes damage from both the Sphere and the lava, then the Chaos Sphere is the most powerful spell of Pyromancy, except for the Sacred Flame (which is a special case).
    The ball is from the beginning of the game, plus sells Cornices. He sells the sphere after receiving the book of the Great Marsh.
    Karl sells the black sphere after receiving the book of the keeper of the graves.
    The Orb of Chaos is sold by Cornics after receiving Isalith's book.
  • Ashes of the Chaos Lodge - Mana Cost: 35.   Deals less damage than Sphere of Chaos + lava, but more than Sphere without lava. At the same time, it has a higher flight speed, flies almost directly, and not along a parabola, and also has a small AoE. Also, even if the spell does not hit the target, it can take damage from the fiery aura that surrounds the Ashes in flight.
    It is created from the Soul of the old king of demons.
  • Powerful arson, black flame - Mana Cost: 17, 25.   Flash fire / darkness right in front of the caster. Fast cast and good damage, but very low range. The black flame does more damage and knocks down shields well.
    Powerful arson sells Cornices.
    Black flame sells to Carl after receiving the book of the keeper of the graves.
  • Sacred flame - Mana Cost: 25.   Melee spell. Caster captures the enemy and then detonates it. A long cast that is easy to interrupt and absolutely no range, but low cost and very high damage. Potentially, this is a powerful pyromancy spell. Capture is considered a critical attack, so Aldrick's rings work with it, and it is also enhanced by the critical animator of the Demon Mark. However, the Hornet Ring has no effect. Also, if the enemy was captured, the caster is invulnerable during the capture animation, as with backstab / ripost.
    Lies in a lava lake in the Ruins of the demons, behind the killer of the knights Tsorig.
  • The scum of the great soul - Mana Cost: 30.   This is not pyromancy, but Magic, but it is pyromancers who can use it as efficiently as possible. It sends a huge, slightly homing ball of darkness at the target, not flying too fast in a straight line. When hit, it deals devastating damage, especially to enemies vulnerable to darkness.
    Lies on a pile of garbage, behind an illusory wall in a building with a huge number of small enemies, not far from the falling tower.
  • Arc of Cartus - Mana Cost: 35.   Adds fire damage to the weapon for 90 seconds in the amount of approximately 91-93% of Catalyst Spell Amplification. Cannot be superimposed on most rare weapons, or on weapons hardened by a non-physical gem.
  • Kartus Lighthouse - Mana Cost: 35.   For 30 seconds, increases outgoing damage by 7.5%. This bonus increases if you quickly apply a lot of hits. The maximum bonus is 15%.
    Sells Cornices, after receiving the book of Cartus.
  • Inner strength - Mana Cost: 35.   For 30 seconds, it increases damage dealt by 20% and accelerates endurance recovery by 30 units / s, but each second of action takes 1% of CP.
    Lies in the Great Archive, in a semi-secret room opening with a lever, immediately after the first wax bath.
Helper Spells
  • Harmony - Mana Cost: 35.   For 30 seconds, hypnotizes the enemy, forcing him to fight on the side of the caster. Enemies under hypnosis cannot be taken to lock, but can be backstable. They also respond to hostile phantoms. Not valid at all, a full list can be found
    Sells to Carl, after receiving the book of Quilana.
  • Heat - Mana Cost: 50. Creates a soaring light, which every second gives an impulse, restoring 35 HP to everyone in the coverage area. 60 seconds valid. Restores exactly 2100 HP per caste and is independent of rings and characteristics.
    It is issued if you bring 30 bone shackles to the altar in the Pit devastated.

Pyromancy: Outfit

  • Pyromancer flame   - the catalyst with which the pyromancer begins the game is also the best, with the exception of two specific situations.
  • Crystal bell   - A unique bell that can cast both Miracles and Magic, using scaling from both Intelligence and Faith, and not just from profile characteristics, as usual. This allows him to do really good damage to both. However, for weapon buffs, only profile scaling is used, therefore it is ineffective for them, as well as for casting dark spells, since it does not have a bonus to them, like other dark catalysts.
    Lies in the Great Archive, in a nook with a knight, next to the first wax bath.
  • Isalite Staff   - The best staff for casting Dark Magic.
    Lies in the Ruins of the Demons, behind a double illusory wall right in front of a huge rat.
Pyromancers may well use Magic and Miracles. Not as effective as profile builds, but still very good. The main thing is to change the rings in time

Worthy of mention:

  • Farewell Flame Pyromancer   - a flame that is slightly worse than the standard, but having two differences: during casting it leaves a fiery trail in the air, which also causes damage. This is almost useless for long-range spells (unless you throw them at point blank range), but when using spells such as Power Arson and Black Flame point blank, their damage is seriously increasing. The second difference is that for any murder, it gets one "shadow of death." After accumulating 12 pieces, you can activate a skill that will restore one charge of a normal estus. At the same time, the skill does not restore the ashen estus, and the accumulated "shadows" disappear when changing weapons or passing through any loading screen, but not when resting around a fire.
    Lies in the Painted world of Ariandel, behind an illusory wall in a room with a bunch of huge flies, at the very bottom of the descent along the branches, on the bridge to the round arena.
  • Demon mark - a saber with the ability to cast pyromancy with power attacks. This “flame” is weaker than the standard one, however: it is an incredibly light full-fledged saber, which can be spammed by R1, with pure fire damage and enhanced crits, which can beat and cast even from the left hand, and, in addition to the main pyro-romantic scales from Intelligence and Faith, has a hidden bonus from Dexterity.
    Made from the soul of the Demon Prince.
  • Great Marsh Ring   - Strengthens Pyromancy by 15%.
    Eating from the beginning of the game, it also falls from one of their huge crabs in the Forest of Torment.
  • Witch's ring   - Strengthens Pyromancy by 25%.
    Lies under the Catacombs of Kartus, right in front of the bonfire. Abandoned grave.
  • Ring of Power Over Fire   - Enhances fire attack by 15%, which affects not only spells, but also fire weapons, but cuts physical resist by 10%.
    Lies in the Undead Settlement, over a bonfire. The foot of a cliff, on a half-hidden bridge to nowhere.
  • Ring of Power over Darkness   - Strengthens the attack with darkness by 15%, which affects not only spells, but also dark weapons, but cuts physical resist by 10%.
    Lies in the Iritilla Dungeon, in a facial expression, which is at an impasse immediately after the giant.
  • Sage's ring   - Accelerates spell casting.
    Lies inside a building in the Forest of Anguish, at water level.
Pyromancers use both fire and darkness, so that the rings of power over them change depending on the spells used.

Worthy of mention:

  • Ring "Crown of the Dawn"   - Reduces mana cost for spells by 25%, but at the same time reduces the maximum level of HP by 15%.
    Lies in the Iritilla Dungeon, in one of the rooms next to the main hall with a bunch of jailers.
  • Aesthus Ash Ring   - 20% increase mana recovery with ashen aesthus. If not too lazy - you can put on this ring before each sip of the blue flask, and then immediately remove it. But at the same time, the +10 flask restores exactly 200 units of mana, which gives a full manapul at 24 Scholarships from scratch, and without a ring.
    Lies in abandoned graves, in a coffin in which the character begins the game in the Ashes Cemetery.
  • Lloyd's Sword Ring   - Increases any damage by 12.5-15% with full HP.
    Lies in the Temple of the Depths, immediately after the first giant.
  • Red stone ring   - Increases any damage by 20% at a critical (less than 20%) CP level.
    Lies in Lothrick's Castle, right in front of the Dragonfighter Armor. To the right of the elevator you need to go into the small chapel and go out onto the balcony.
  • Prayer ring   - Increases Faith by 5. Simple and understandable.
    Sells a servant in the dark Temple of Fire.
  • Scientist's ring   - Increases Intellect by 5. Simple and clear.
    Lies in the Great Archive, in a mini-cut to a small wax bath, in front of the bridge.
  • Knight Lothric Sword(tempered by the Chaotic Gem) - just a straight, fast sword, with excellent elemental skales and a universal movie set. Requires 11 Strength and 18 Dexterity. Has slightly increased critical damage.
    It falls from the knights of Lothrick, armed with it, and is also sold at Serokrys after his campaign in Iritill.
  • Astorian Two-Handed Sword(tempered by Dark Gem) - an incredibly light two-handed with an excellent elemental scale. Requires 16 Strength and 18 Dexterity. It has an excellent movie set, good damage after hardening, a chic two-handed stunlock and high versatility.
    Lies to the left of the entrance to the cemetery of the Temple of the Depths.
Worthy of mention:
  • Onyx blade   - one and a half with built-in dark damage and good scales to it. Requires 14 Strength, 12 Dexterity, 15 Intelligence and 15 Faith. The skill activates the sword’s self-buff, adding 145 Fire damage for 45 seconds.
    Falls from William, in the painted world of Ariandel.
  • Stalker Saber(tempered by Dark or Chaotic gem) - a saber with a good elemental skill after hardening. Requires 9 Strength and 14 Dexterity. The skill knocks shields well and does good damage, but mostly R1 is used.
    Lies in the painted world of Ariandel, under a destructible bridge, on one of the branches.
  • Scientist candelabrum - a dagger, practically not used as a weapon. It is taken only for the sake of effect - when in the active slot, it enhances Magic (both normal and dark) by 12.5%.
    Drops from scientists in the Great Archives, and is also sold by Serokrys
  • Pyromancer Crown   - Lightweight, easily accessible "helmet" that allows you to enjoy your magnificent work in the character editor. Sells Cornices.
  • Mantle of the Guardian of Fire   - just easy fashion. Lies in a tower in the Temple of Fire, on a protruding coffin.
  • Firewalker Gloves   - also easy fashion, lie in the same place as the mantle.
  • Black leather boots   - and again easy fashion. Sells Patchwork.
In fact, you can wear anything, the main thing is to fit into 70% of the load with the selected weapon.

Resistance and vulnerability of bosses

Main game
Judge Gundir

  • Resistance:
  • Vulnerability:   Cold, Fire (second phase)
Cold Valley Wordt
  • Resistance:   Physical damage, immunity to status effects
  • Vulnerability:   Darkness, Fire
Cursed Great Tree
  • Resistance:   immunity to status effects
  • Vulnerability:   Fire, cutting and piercing damage
Crystal Spell Expert
  • Resistance:   Magic
  • Vulnerability:   Physical Damage, Lightning, Poison, Bleeding
Deacons of the Depths
  • Resistance:   Darkness, Magic, Bleeding, Poisons
  • Vulnerability:   Cold, Physical Damage
Abyssal Keepers
  • Resistance:   Darkness, Bleeding, Poison Immunity
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning
Highlord Volnir
  • Resistance:   Darkness, immunity to status effects
  • Vulnerability:   Sanctified Weapons
Old king of demons
  • Resistance:   Fire, Immunity to Cold and Bleeding
  • Vulnerability:   Darkness
Pontiff Salivan
  • Resistance:   status effects
  • Vulnerability:   Fire, Lightning, piercing damage
Aldrick, the devourer of the gods
  • Resistance:   Magic, Darkness, Cold, Bleeding, Poison Immunity
  • Vulnerability:   Fire, Lightning
Giant yorm
  • Resistance:   cutting and piercing damage, immunity to status effects and Fire
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning
Cold Valley Dancer
  • Resistance:   no
  • Vulnerability:   Darkness, Lightning, Bleeding, Crushing Damage
Oceiros, eaten by the king
  • Resistance:   Magic, Bleeding, Poison Immunity
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Cold
Champion Gundir
  • Resistance:   Poisons, Bleeding, Cutting Damage
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Cold, Crushing Damage
Ancient Wyvern
  • Resistance:   Poisons, Bleeding
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Cold
Nameless king
  • Storm master
    • Resistance:   Fire, Poisons, Bleeding
    • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Cold
  • Nameless king
    • Resistance:   Lightning, Cold, Bleeding, Poison Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Fire, darkness
Dragonhide Armor
  • Resistance:   Darkness, Lightning, cutting damage, immunity to Poisons and Bleeding
  • Vulnerability:   Cold Crushing Damage
Lorian, the elder prince and Lothrick, the younger prince
  • Lorian, the elder prince
    • Resistance:   Darkness, Poison Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Magic, Cold
  • Lothrick, the younger prince
    • Resistance:   Darkness, Poison Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Physical damage
Soul of ashes
  • Resistance:   Fire, Bleeding, Poison Immunity
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Darkness, Cold
DLC "Ashes of Ariandel"
Champion’s Grave Keeper and Great Wolf
  • Resistance:   Cold (both), Poison (champion)
  • Vulnerability:   Bleeding, Lightning (both), Fire (wolf)
Ariandel's father and sister Friede
  • Sister Friede
    • Resistance:   Poisons, Cold Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Darkness, Bleeding, Physical Damage
  • Father ariandel
    • Resistance:   no
    • Vulnerability:   all types of damage
  • Black flame fried
    • Resistance:   Poisons, Cold Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Lightning, Darkness, Bleeding
DLC "The Ringed City"
Demon prince
  • Demon in Agony and Demon from the Deep
    • Resistance: Fire, Cold & Poison Immunity
    • Vulnerability:   Bleeding, Darkness, Cutting Damage
  • Demon prince
    • Resistance:   Fire, Magic, Lightning, normal, crushing and piercing damage, immunity to Cold and Poisons
    • Vulnerability:   Bleeding
Midir, the eater of darkness
  • Resistance:   Darkness, Fire, Magic, immunity to status effects
  • Vulnerability:   Lightning piercing damage
Dusk, Spear of the Church
  • Resistance:   Bleeding, Poisons
  • Vulnerability:   Cold, Lightning (both), Fire (guard)
Knight Slave Gael
  • Resistance:   Bleeding, Darkness (phase 2 and 3), cutting damage
  • Vulnerability:   Cold, Poisons, Crushing Damage

Paracas Candelabrum (or Andean Candelabrum)   is a prehistoric geoglyph located on the Paracas Peninsula near Pisco Bay in Peru. According to some estimates, its origin dates back to about 200 BC, although many are sure that it is much older. The purpose and meaning of this huge, giant-like-like drawing remains unknown. Regarding the purpose of its creation, a large number of versions were put forward. Is it a religious symbol, a giant seismograph, or just a navigation tool for sailors?

Each version is pure speculation and does not have any serious arguments in its basis. For example, the version that the Chandelier is a navigation tool is based solely on the fact that the best view of this geoglyph (if you do not fly through the air), opens from the water.

The height of the Candelabra of Paracas reaches almost 250 meters and can be seen from the sea at a distance of 12 miles. The geoglyph was created by excavating hardened soil to a depth of more than half a meter and laying out the edges of stones around the figure. While scientists disagree about the age of the Andean candelabrum, radiocarbon analysis dates pottery, found in the same area, to the 200th year. BC. Ceramics is believed to belong to the civilization of Paracas, but so far no convincing evidence has been provided that the geoglyph was created by this particular civilization.

The shape of the geoglyph is mysterious and difficult enough to describe. Some find it to be similar to a cactus, while others believe that it looks more like a tricyrium or a candlestick for three candles, from where its name comes - "candelabrum." Below it begins with a single trunk, which is then divided into three smaller branches, each of which in turn is again divided.

The meaning and purpose of the Paracas chandelier has not been unraveled so far. Conquistadors allegedly believed that the geoglyph symbolizes the Holy Trinity, and regarded it as a good omen and a sign that they should continue their conquests and convert the locals to the Christian faith, although there are no clear historical records confirming the authenticity of this statement. There is evidence that inside the branches of the candelabra conquistadors found ropes and ropes that could be used in roller mechanisms. According to the Peruvian writer and commentator Beltran Garcia, the candelabrum may have been “a gigantic and at the same time accurate seismograph capable of recording earth vibrations and seismic shocks, the source of which could be not only in Peru, but also anywhere else on our planet ".

Researcher Tony Morrison has deeply studied the local folklore related to this monument in order to establish its purpose. He interviewed a certain Duncan Masson, a local Englishman living about 130 miles south of the candelabra. Masson heard first hand stories of the candelabrum from people who lived in the early 19th century. According to these reports, the candelabrum was used simply as a signal for sailors. The coastline of Paracas has been a stopping point for sailors for many centuries. During long stops, the sailors probably had enough time to carve a candelabra on the surface of the hill.

Some believe that the Andean candelabrum is an image of a hallucinogenic plant called Datura vulgaris. It has been suggested that the prehistoric inhabitants of the Paracas region traveled to the territory of modern California, where they collected this dope, which caused hallucinogenic reactions when smoking or soaking in water. And the candelabrum subsequently helped them find their way home.

Others have suggested that the geoglyph is a lightning rod of the deity Viracocha, who was considered a great creator god in Incan mythology and before the Incas in the Andes region of South America. According to mythological records, Viracocha came out of Lake Titicaca and showed light in times of darkness. He created the sun, moon and stars, as well as man. He disappeared, having gone to the Pacific Ocean, but must return when the times of hard trials come. The creation of the candelabrum as a symbol of the god Viracocha may have been an attempt to show him the way to the people of Paracas so that he would not get lost along the way and help them in difficult times.

The true meaning and purpose of the Andean candelabrum remains a mystery to this day, it is even possible that they are forever lost to humanity. However, the huge geoglyph continues to attract people from all over the world who are amazed at its size and who are trying to unravel the mystery of its origin and destination.

All the achievements of mankind in the entire history of its existence, from the invention of the wheel and gunpowder to the splitting of the atom, the search for the Divine particle and flights into space, fade next to riddles to which no bright minds of the planet can yet give an answer.

The Andean candelabrum, located in Peru, puts scientists in such a secret of their origin that they cannot even come up with tolerable versions of what it can be.

Painted planet

Giant badges and figures larger than 4 meters on the Earth’s surface are geoglyphs, a kind of writing or code, which is most often seen from space or from an airplane. The most popular signs are symbols that were knocked out on its surface in the 5-1 century BC. e.

There are scientists who tried to draw these lines, geometric shapes, images of birds, animals, and at least under some kind of scientific hypothesis.

Peru is not the only country where geoglyphs have been found. For example, the white horse was the most repeated, and, therefore, favorite plot of the ancient peoples inhabiting the territory of modern Great Britain. But at least this is a recognizable animal, which was sacred to people of that time or something personified.

The Andean candelabrum, on the other hand, became an example of the importance attached to it depending on the thinking or religion of the people who saw it. So, the Spaniards, who conquered Peru, perceived it as the Holy Trinity, depicted in the form of three crosses, and to the sailors it resembled a constellation or an ancient lighthouse. However, the same thing happens with most geoglyphs on the planet. Not knowing the true purpose of an object or phenomenon, the human mind tries to squeeze it into the framework of its perception of the world.

The location of the mysterious object

For some reason, it so happened that they write a lot about objects in Peru, they study them and even defend their dissertations. In fact, there are many geoglyphs on the planet, far exceeding Peruvian ones both in age and in the number of images.

But apparently, interest is always higher in what they ponder over for a long time and to no avail (for example, an unfinished chess game or an unproven theorem). There is no exception here and the Andean candelabrum. Where this object is located is easy to determine - on the Paracas Peninsula, a 6-hour drive from Lima. The small crescent-shaped mountain that rises here has become the site of the work of unknown ancient "graffiti artists." It can be seen either from the water, or from a bird's eye view. If we analyze all the geoglyphs found on the planet, we can see that most of them have some similarities in the execution technique.

For example, the “long man” in Sussex and the drawings in Peru were made, although in different eras, but clearly the descendants of the same talented artists suffering from gigantomania.

If this is so, then it seems that they were either fulfilling someone’s task - to put the necessary drawing at a certain time, or were wandering creative natures, which is unlikely.

It is often common for people to attribute to objects and phenomena the properties that they themselves invent. For example, some of them believe that the Andean candelabrum (Peru) points to the drawings of Nazca, although this is not entirely true.


Scientists date this object 200 BC. e., and if everyone more or less agrees with this fact, then its purpose remains a mystery. The giant trident, as the local population calls it, has two branches in the form of candles with spirals, while the third candle grows directly from its base.

The length of the object is about 180 m, which indicates that it took a lot of time and some special tools to create it, otherwise it would not have been so well preserved to this day. The Andean candelabrum, the description of which is proposed in this article, looks attractive, but quite trivial. Little tridents in the world, Neptune had the same. Ordinary people and scientists were always more concerned with the question of not “how,” but “why.”


When this question is raised, there can be hundreds of answers, we offer you the most intelligible, for example:

  • it is a lighthouse, since it can be seen from the water, but not visible from the shore - of course, the version is so-so, because no evidence was found that lights were lit in it;
  • Andean candelabrum is a navigator for a spaceship, indicating the direction to the cosmodrome in Nazca (there are simply no words, but what if it's true!);
  • it is a lightning rod, since the trident is a symbol of the creator god Viracocha;
  • it is a taboo sign, since there are pyramids and burials with mummies on the peninsula, which were usually buried with jewelry;
  • another version is that it is a navigator, but under it is the Inca gold that was not found or the whole acropolis, full of dead people and treasures.

Maria Reiche, who has been studying the Nazca and Andean candelabra geoglyphs all her life (you can see the photo of the scientist below), was able to only determine that some of the drawings coincide with the constellations, for example, the spider's paws and its head repeat the location of Orion.

There is a version that these drawings were not left by civilization. Judging by the fact that humanity itself does not know what it was created for anything, it is possible that a similar conclusion is the most correct. Maybe these images indicate the path that distant space travelers have taken, and through which constellations they had to come to us. And the figures are clearly not people on the plateau in Nazca may well be aliens self-portraits.

Whatever it was, perhaps humanity still has a chance to uncover the cause of the geoglyphs that are so clearly visible from space.

Nazca geoglyphs

The Andean candelabrum and Nazca's drawings differ in execution technique, which suggests that there were at least 2 ancient cultures that created them. In the desert to date, 30 drawings and 788 lines and geometric shapes have been discovered.

The trident on the peninsula is presented in a single copy, and since a pottery workshop of the same time as the drawing was found nearby, it can be assumed that this is the creation of the hands of the inhabitants of ancient Paracas.

Nazca Technique

Shallow trenches (30 cm) with a width of 50 to 150 cm are characteristic of the Nazca geoglyphs, while in the candelabra they are deeper and wider. Some scholars believe that the Andean candelabrum, whose history is somewhat younger than that of a figure on a plateau, is the successor to an older fellow.

It is amazing how the ancient Incas were able to draw straight lines with a length of 500 km² in the earth's crust? Indeed, even modern equipment allows you to make a smooth trench for no more than 10 km without deviations from the course. Many drawings are striking in their scale, and again the question involuntarily arises: how could all the lines be connected to make a 285-meter pelican or an 188-meter lizard?

Either these artists had a special vision of three-dimensional space, or their tools were more perfect than modern ones.

Paracas Peninsula

The Andean candelabrum, whose technique is simpler, is made in a different style, although it can be assumed that the performers were familiar with the drawings on the plateau in Nazca.

They did not need accurate instruments, since the height of the object is only 180 m, but even it is amazing and makes you wonder what exactly it was applied to the rock.

Mystery awaits

Well, humanity will have to wait. Either there will be those who know why this was done, or people will find instructions for use. We will wait and hope that either one or the other will happen during our lifetime, but for now, scientists are creating new versions and making films about the secrets of the Earth and the Universe.

The Peruvian lines of Nazca are considered to be one of the most famous geoglyphs (huge figured pattern) on Earth, but they are not the only mysterious shapes in the south of Peru. About 200 kilometers northwest of the Nazca Plateau lies another remote and for some reason less popular drawing, which locals call the Paracas Candelabra or Three Crosses (Las Tres Cruces). The outlandish geoglyph is best known as the Andean candelabrum, because it looks very much like a three-branch candlestick. Although it is unlikely that its creators intended to leave a mark in the form of a giant piece of furniture.

A prehistoric image is drawn on a hillside near the port city of Pisco on the Peruvian coast and adorned with reddish porphyry rocks, due to their spectacular color of volcanic origin. The work of art is carved in rocky soil and formed by grooves up to 60 centimeters deep. The branches of the candelabra are also divided into new branches, and its side “horns” are crowned with the image of salamanders and people. The figure is 181 meters long and large enough to be easily viewed from a distance of as much as 20 kilometers.

The Andean candelabrum belongs to the culture of Paracas, which inhabited the peninsula of the same name from about 750 to 100 BC. Such conclusions were made on the basis of pottery discovered in this area, radiocarbon analysis of which showed that artifacts date back to 200 BC. The ceramics most likely belonged to the people of Paracas, although their participation in the creation of the giant geoglyph has not yet been confirmed.

The shape of the figure in the form of a huge trident, perhaps, is a lightning rod of the god Viracocha, a mythical character revered in South America thousands of years ago. Although some researchers are inclined to compare this branching geoglyph not at all with the weapons of a deity, but rather with a cactus.

Frank Joseph, a writer obsessed with alternative theories, thinks that the Andean drawing looks like a hallucinogenic plant called Datura stramomium. According to his version, the prehistoric inhabitants of this area traveled north towards present-day California to collect this plant for the needs of the tribes, and the geoglyph was used as a guide for sailors returning home from datura harvests. Although the assumption of the navigational purpose of this symbol is by no means new. Local residents have long been told that ancient travelers used a giant trident to recognize the Paracas Peninsula among other coasts of the Pacific Ocean.

Andean candelabra is a real mystery. Together with the Nazca lines, he clearly demonstrates how little we know about the pre-Columbian civilizations lost to mankind, which for centuries and millennia inhabited the lands of South America before the appearance of Europeans here.

  Photo: Dan Kit / Flickr

  Photo Credit: David Stanley / Wikimedia

  Photo: Yoli Marcela Hernandez / Wikimedia