Vitaliy goh pyramids of crimea. Underground pyramids in Crimea

Crimean land contains many secrets and mysteries. One of them, which scientists have only recently approached, is pyramids of Crimea. Scientists themselves do not yet exactly realize what they found. It is only clear that this is undoubtedly a sensational find. The authorship of this discovery belongs to members of the Sevastopol research group. In the Committee for the Protection of Monuments under the Council of Ministers of Crimea, where they announced their find. It would seem a sensation - in the Crimea they found a pyramid, but, alas, their message only took into account. This story originates from the fact that several years ago a group of geologists searched for convenient places for drilling artesian wells in the vicinity of Sevastopol. The group was headed by a candidate of technical sciences, associate professor Vitaly Anatolievich Gokh, a retired rank 1 captain, expert in technical sciences and underground surveys, and a former teacher at the Higher Engineering School in Sevastopol.

One day, the receiver device recorded a microwave [i] field within a radius of 100 meters. This prompted geologists to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of some unusual object. Scientists began to dig a pit manually and at a depth of 9.5 meters came across something very similar to one of the faces of the pyramid, a high-strength dome, hollow from the inside, with a fused silica inner surface and with a gypsum-silicate layer on the outside.

A little deeper, on the right and on the left, four more similar structures were discovered, but of smaller sizes. Scientists were convinced that a variety of building materials were used to build these facilities. Unknown masters of antiquity strengthened large tightly fitted limestone blocks with egg yolks and squirrels, clay and copper sulfate putty. Researchers managed to make a hole in the wall and go deep into the object. They sank 38 meters from the surface of the earth.

After processing the obtained data, it became clear that the found object has the form of a geometrically regular pyramid with pointed protrusions on the faces. The height of this pyramid is 45 meters, the length of the side of the base is 72 meters. The ratio of these values \u200b\u200bis 1: 1.6, which is the standard for all the pyramids that are open to date and corresponds to the "golden section" of the Cheops pyramid. Further, scientists have purposefully searched in the nearby areas for other pyramids by the presence of a powerful source of microwave radiation. The approximate dimensions of the pyramid blocks: length - from 2 to 2.5 meters, height - 1.5 meters. Scientists have found that when decorating the faces of the pyramids, materials such as gypsum, lead, and liquid glass were used.

Victor Taran, an employee of a group of scientists, proposed to continue the search, and soon six more pyramids were found located on one straight line from Cape Sarych to the northwestern part of Kamyshovaya Bay, the length of which is more than 40 kilometers. It turned out that they are located in a certain sequence: the first pyramid is located at the bottom of the sea near Foros, the second is in the Balaklava area, the third is located in the vicinity of Cape Fiolent, the fourth is located underground near the Sevastopol-Tovarnaya station, and the one that scientists found the first , located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe reed highway. A few kilometers from this place are two more pyramids.

A surprising discovery in Crimea was made by Candidate of Technical Sciences V.A. Goh. Vitaly Anatolyevich - Associate Professor, Department of Nuclear Physics, Sevastopol Higher Naval School, which trains officers for servicing nuclear submarine reactors, academician of the International Academy of Informatics.

He invented a purely technical device based on nuclear magnetic resonance, with which the inventor found water at various depths, oil and, most interestingly, these are the pyramids underground. With his instrument, Vitaly Goh traveled all over Crimea and as a result discovered thirty-seven pyramids underground. Moreover, the researcher discovered the first seven pyramids on the line Sevastopol - Yalta. The pyramids of Crimea are so many years old that the alluvial layer from the Floods and ice ages hid them underground. The height of the discovered pyramids is 45-52 meters. All of them are composed of calcareous blocks, and today their peaks are almost at the surface of the earth.

Official archaeologists accepted the discovery of Vitaly Goh with hostility. Because the discovery of the Crimean pyramids does not leave a stone unturned from the classical history of Crimea, and from the history of the entire Ancient World.

The results of a thorough study of one of the 37 pyramids led to the following. Firstly, they do not just consist of stone blocks, but have a complex structure: approximately at a height of 20 meters from the base of the pyramid there is a layer consisting of clay plus iron sulfate. This layer serves as a screen from moisture coming from the earth. Then, somewhere at an altitude of 25 meters, there is another layer consisting of aluminum oxide plus copper oxide - this is a semiconductor. In addition, in the body of the pyramid, including in the edges of the pyramid, there are artificially created hermetic cavities, approximately 60 cm in diameter, the walls of which consist of three layers. The upper layer consists of a gypsum silicate coating, which includes egg white, the middle layer consists of gypsum concrete and the inner layer is quartz. The inner quartz layer in the pyramids does not have uniform thickness everywhere, in the center, above and below there are icicle-like elongations of quartz. Such a design of vacuum cavities suggests that it is nothing but a quantum emitter.

According to the Goch hypothesis, the main task of the pyramid is to contract certain energies of the Earth's Core with the base of the pyramid and transport it to certain points almost instantly, using the torsion energy effect. In addition, the pyramids served as transformers of subtle energies coming from the stars. This "stellar" energy was transformed in a pyramid and transferred to the Earth's Core.

It is known that any pyramid has the property of drawing in its base not only energy, but also liquid, so that a kind of pump is obtained. Seven Sevastopol pyramids, standing on a direct line of Sevastopol - Yalta, are located next to the magma foci of the earth, and the water sucked by these pyramids from the Black Sea washes and extinguishes the magma foci. Vitaly Gokh says that the underground pyramids of Crimea, delivering water, create peculiar fuel elements in the nuclear reactor of the Earth's Core, and a controlled nuclear reaction is obtained. Water sucked from the Black Sea by the Sevastopol pyramids forms a gigantic river at a depth of 700 meters below sea level. This river, passing through magma chambers, is very hot, and powerful evaporation and condensation occurs. As a result, pure distilled water forms at the outlet, and another component, concentrated brine brine, settles in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Sivash. An underground river from pure distilled water flows back into the Black Sea. But along with seawater, algae are also sucked in, which, in contact with magmatic foci, turn into a mud-like consistency and are thrown out through mud volcanoes to the surface of the earth.

Goh put forward a bold hypothesis of the reason for the construction of the pyramids. He says that all the pyramids of the Earth, together with certain points in the universe - these are the constellations of Capella, Vega, Canopus - act on the core of the Earth and form a clear energy scheme. This scheme allows, firstly, to regulate the thermonuclear reaction of the Earth's core; secondly, it neutralizes the negative torsion field, which is formed as a result of a thermonuclear reaction in the Earth's Core. The pyramids allow you to remove this field beyond the Earth, which, in turn, creates favorable and stable conditions for the development of mankind. Negative torsion fields are also formed on the Sun as a result of thermonuclear reactions, which affect the consciousness of people. But they affect the consciousness of mankind is incomparably weaker, since the Sun is much further from people than the Earth's Core. If there were no pyramids on our planet, then the negative torsion fields that are formed as a result of thermonuclear processes taking place in the Earth's Core would not allow the development of human consciousness, would not allow the existence of the entire human civilization. Civilization of people exists only thanks to the pyramids built by aliens around the world. Before creating man through genetic engineering, mixing the blood of an alien humanoid with the blood of a Neanderthal, the aliens erected 144,000 pyramids on the planet. Because the pyramids are a kind of shield from destructive negative consciousness torsion fields for human consciousness.

Vitaly Goh put forward the theory of cosmic-earth connections of alien civilizations through the pyramids that are found on almost all continents of the Earth. The Himalayan pyramids in Tibet, the pyramids of Bermuda, as well as the pyramids of Southwest and Southeast Africa provide energy exchange of the Earth's Core with the constellation Capella. The Mexican, English, Australian and pyramids of North West Africa provide energy-informational exchange of the Earth's Core - with Vega. And the Egyptian, Crimean (in the vicinity of Sevastopol), Brazilian and Polynesian pyramids (off the coast of Easter Island) provide the connection of the Earth's Core - with Canopus. At the same time, some pyramids work to receive cosmic energy, while others transmit energy from the Earth itself to Space.

According to Goh, these stars have for hundreds of millions of years maintained a constant cosmic energy exchange through a giant semiconductor - the Earth. As compensation for the microwave energy generated by us, they provide not a sharp, but a smooth pole shift on our planet. When their rapid displacement happened about 12.5 thousand years ago, this led to the Great Flood: there was a sharp polarity reversal of the Earth, which caused a planetary catastrophe and the death of the greatest Atlantean civilization.

Using the characteristics of the discovered Crimean pyramids when analyzing the map of the geophysical radiation of the Earth, V. A. Gokh and his associates suggested that similar objects exist in other places of our planet. Not only countries and islands (England, Mauritania and Australia) were calculated, but even approximate coordinates of the pyramids were identified. Messages were sent to the found countries via the Internet computer network, and news was soon received that the corresponding radiation sources matching the characteristics of the Crimean pyramids were indeed found. It is possible that subsequent excavations at these points will also be found in the indicated places of the pyramid.

Scientists believe that all these pyramids are part of a single system of pyramids and megalithic objects for our planet. This conclusion coincides with the conclusions of Professor Muldashev on the existence of a worldwide network of sacred centers led by Mount Kailash.representing a giant pyramid. The pyramids of Crimea are located on the line connecting the pyramids in the mountains of Tibet, the English Stonehenge and the flooded pyramids near Easter Island. In the summer of 2001, they were investigated by scientists from different countries who agreed that the structures found were unique. The Crimean underground pyramids were scanned using the most modern equipment, as a result of which new objects were discovered. As a result, 37 megalithic structures have been discovered to date. It was found that 28 of them make up a huge rhombus, in the middle of which, in the village of Red Poppy, there is a central 56-meter pyramid. Another seven pyramids make up a small internal additional rhombus in the Yalta region, also with a pyramid in the center. When comparing the employees of the group of Crimean pyramids with the three Great Egyptian pyramids in Giza, it turned out that the builders of the ancient Egyptian and Crimean pyramids used almost the same materials. To do this, the researchers brought from Egypt a chip from a block of one of these pyramids. The nummulite limestone of the pyramids of Egypt turned out to be identical to that mined in the masses of the Crimean foothills. However, the blocks of the Egyptian pyramids were much larger - their length reaches 20 meters.

It is interesting that the pyramids are able to influence the state of health in different ways and, so to speak, show character. Scientists who descended into the pyramids and worked in these places for several weeks, noted a noticeable improvement in their health. But when these objects were damaged, for example, when researchers began to hollow the wall to penetrate inside, supernatural phenomena began to occur: the films in the devices lit up, even simple devices (such as a compass) failed, in a matter of minutes the batteries of the flashlights were discharged. People started vomiting and regular headaches. But after the cessation of work in a couple of weeks, everything returned to normal again.

Scientists have made a logical assumption: the pyramids of Crimea were used by ancient people to control some important processes. The lead used in the construction of these objects is able to enter resonance well, and aluminum oxide mixed with clay forms an excellent semiconductor that can convert energy in frequency. Given these features, we can say that, most likely, the builders of these pyramids belonged to an ancient highly developed civilization similar to Lemuria or the lost Atlantis.

According to another conjecture of researchers, through these pyramids from space, direct control of the reactions of synthesis and decay in the earth’s core is carried out with the help of special energies characteristic of subtle matters. In turn, diamond crystals of the outer shell of the core accumulate high-frequency energy and work like lasers; by a control signal from Cosmos, they give this energy to the pyramids. And the pyramids pass it further into outer space. Taking into account the fact that protein is present in the layer covering the pyramid, only the signal that is close to the energy field of protein creatures, and above all to the human energy aura, is selected in the structural elements of the structure. Pyramids differ in their properties and functions: one group of pyramids only receives energy from the Cosmos, another group of these structures radiates energy into outer space.

Underground pyramids in Crimea

Underground pyramids in the Crimea are located at a depth of 5 to 10 meters, under a layer of sedimentary rocks, gravel and silt. According to the researchers, this layer appeared as a result of a major flood that eroded the chernozem in large areas, as a result of which the pyramids were covered with a layer of alluvial deposits. Such cataclysms in these places occurred from the 12th to the 3rd millennium BC, and, apparently, coincide in time with the Great Flood.

There is, however, another chronology of discovered ancient monuments. Victor Nadikta, senior researcher at the historical and archaeological department of the Simferopol Museum of Local Lore, believes that these objects were built by the hands of ancient Greek settlers who settled on the Crimean peninsula in the VI-V centuries. BC e. The ancient Greeks built pyramids with their tops down and used them as giant thermos or moisture condensers. To do this, they dug a funnel-shaped hole in the ground about two meters deep and laid its walls with stones. And on the surface of the earth, walls up to 10 meters high were built from stone blocks. Until evening, moisture condensed on the stone walls of the pyramid. Then at night it flowed down the walls of the structure into an underground hole, the water level rose higher, and the inhabitants of those places received fresh water. Such pyramids are located mainly in the west of Crimea, where water difficulties have always been felt. There was low groundwater and rather rocky soil. These structures were erected in the Crimea up to the 16th century. However, this version has a lot of weaknesses. Firstly, why, in the case of fresh water, such an accurate orientation of the pyramids was required, as well as such a careful attitude to their manufacturing accuracy? Secondly, why was such a composition used in construction that gives the object by no means random electromagnetic properties?

Let us compare the pyramids of Crimea with similar objects: the most ancient of the pyramids of Egypt is the pyramid of the pharaoh Djoser, belonging to the XXVIII century BC. e., has a height of 60 meters. Built in the XXVII century BC. e. the famous Pyramid of Cheops in Giza has a height of about 147 meters, the length of the side of the base is 233 meters. Pyramids are also located in other parts of the world: Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, China, Japan, Tibet.

The secrets of the pyramids of Crimea are also associated with the secrets of the recent past. The search for the Crimean pyramids was started back in 1926, and not only specialized archaeologists, but also employees of the secret laboratory for neuroenergy participated in them. Then the expedition was unsuccessful, mainly due to the fact that the pyramids were searched on the surface of the earth, while the structures were located underground. The leaders of the Soviet state supervised the search: a secret expedition to the Crimea was sent by personal order of the chairman of the Cheka, Felix Dzerzhinsky, and it was headed by Alexander Barchenko, a neurophysiologist, head of the secret laboratory of neuroenergy at the Special Department of the UCPH, who also studied the heritage of ancient cultures. According to this scientist, ancient civilizations possessed universal knowledge, the secret of atom fission, sources of latent energy and the possibilities of psychotropic effects on humans. For the same purpose, in 1942-1944, a group of German esoteric scientists from the Anenerbe organization worked in the Crimea. There is no information about what these researchers found. Most likely, the results of their searches were minimal. Crimean land did not reveal secrets to representatives of both evil empires. One can only guess how many more secrets remain hidden in the land of ancient Taurica.

The phenomenon of the pyramids remains in the center of attention of the world scientific community for many decades. The reasons for the construction of Egyptian tombs on the Giza plateau, cone-shaped buildings in Mexico, Tibet, Bermuda, the origin of statues on Easter Island and Stonehenge stones in the UK. All these findings make us think about the existence of previous civilizations on Earth and the Higher Mind governing the world. It is noteworthy that the time of construction of Chinese buildings by 15-20 thousand years exceeds the age of the Egyptian pyramids.

Opening of the Crimean underground pyramids

While working on the island, a group of scientists led by ctn Gokh Vitaliy Anatolyevich on the basis of patent No. 13408-A of 1996, while conducting research using the method of geohydrodiagnostics, when receiving samples of thermal water and miners, an unexpected discovery was made. A chain of seven pyramids was found underground in the Sevastopol - Foros section underground. The line of buildings stretches from the northwest to the southeast direction from Cape Khersones to Cape Sarych. The buildings are located clearly along the coastline. The date of their construction is approximately the same as that of the Tibetan.

The pyramids of the Crimean peninsula are located on the same line with the stones of Stonehenge in England and the buildings of Tibet. They are located in a geographical area where several dynastic cult burials were noted, used for rituals several thousand years ago.
  The faces of the pyramids are oriented to the cardinal points, as well as other structures of a similar shape in Egypt, China and other countries. In the opposite direction along the map's landmarks are the pyramids of Tibet, and on the other hand are the cone-shaped tombs of Easter Island.

Secrets of the Crimean pyramids: Sphinx

After obtaining permission from the authorities for archaeological studies, it was found that the height of the pyramids of Sevastopol is 45-52 m. The peaks are level with the surface of limestone blocks and are not visible during visual inspection.

During the analysis of the data obtained during the electromagnetic study of the object, it was possible to establish the presence of a round body on underground structures. With a detailed study, it became clear that its shape repeats the figure of a fixer, identical to that set in Egypt.

Where are the Crimean pyramids on the map

In scientific circles, various versions about the origin of the Crimean pyramids are discussed. Some even hypothesize that they do not actually exist, and this is a failed discovery by researchers or fiction. To date, there is no official confirmation of any of the theories. Research terminated for unknown reasons.

Crimean pyramids: video

On a good clear day, one can see dozens of aircraft carrying tourists flying over the Crimea to the south, to Egypt, to the pyramids. And, meanwhile, there are pyramids in the Crimea.

The first to speak of the Crimean pyramids was Vitaly Goh. According to the evidence of the scientific discovery of the Crimean pyramids by a group of scientists led by Vitaliy Goh issued by the International Academy of Energy and Information Sciences ( international non-governmental, public creative, self-governing and self-funded higher scientific institution), the date of calculating the priority of discovery refers to October 24, 1999.

Regarding the Goch pyramids, there are many articles that speak both for and against Vitaly Anatolyevich’s discovery. The researcher himself presented to the public a diagram of an object he discovered underground, in this form:

All that could be found without special instruments was a deep well, designated in the diagram as a “pit”. When examining the well, a cavity was discovered, which was opened by the researchers:

Since nothing but a well and a mysterious cavity was actually discovered (except for the "antique manor" located right there), the scientific community only had to present a hole in the ground:

For the scientific sensation is pretty small. That is why the researchers took extreme measures and started digging a pit, which, according to some estimates, could have cost them a considerable amount. However, there are no exact data on the cost of the pit. First, the foundation pit was dug with the help of an excavator, and then enthusiasts began to work:

The result was impressive, with one small exception - at first glance, there is no pyramid or sphinx in the pit.

Excavations of the 3rd "pyramid" of Goch.
A pit was dug with a size of 20 x 20 m, a depth of 8–9 m.
The "pyramid" was not found.
Coordinates: 44 ° 33 "43" N 33 ° 28 "52" E

Send articles with "revelations." The result would not be so deplorable if Vitaly Anatolyevich listened to the opinion of the author of this essay. The bottom line was that far from all the pyramids of Crimea are underground. In addition, there are a number of misconceptions regarding the pyramids. First of all, it is believed that the pyramid must be composed of stone blocks. But this is completely optional.

For some reasons not yet clarified by modern science, representatives of ancient civilization really needed pyramids. Let me remind you that a pyramid is a geometric shape, and what it is made of is not the most important question. Bulk pyramids have been discovered in China. In Egypt and Mexico, the pyramids are made of blocks. And in those places where there are mountains, the pyramids were made simply by cutting off excess rock from a suitable hill.

That's exactly how the Crimean pyramids were built. In order to detect them, you do not need complex devices and expensive pits - just look carefully around.

Pyramidal shape, for example, is the Fortress Mountain in Balaclava. The proportions of this pyramid almost coincide with the pyramid of Cheops in Egypt.

And if you look at the object from the side of Marmara Beach, it turns out that these pyramids are actually two (!) - large and small.

That's just, for several thousand years the sea destroyed the pyramids exactly half, and we have in Balaklava, so to speak, a "pyramid in the context."

The pyramidal nature of the Fortress is not in doubt. Another question is whether this object is man-made or is it a kind of game of nature. Let's look at other examples of natural phenomena.

Not far from Balaclava is the well-known Canrobera hill. If you look closely at it, you will notice that the historical hill also has the shape of a pyramid, and the faces of this pyramid are oriented to the cardinal points: south-north, west-east.

On the south side of this pyramid is something reminiscent of the remains of a portal, although in a very ruined state - you can only guess that it is a portal by looking at Canrober Hill from afar:

Some researchers of Crimean sights are ranked among the pyramids and Tepe-Kermen, although this statement is quite controversial.

The same can be said about Mount Kaya-Bash (photo taken from Eski-Kermen). If this is a pyramid, then it is in a very ruined state.

But in the Crimea you can find a lot of objects very reminiscent of the pyramids, but ... only on one side. A classic example of such a pyramid is Sugarloaf Mountain:

The unilateral pyramids of the Belbek Canyon are extremely impressive in their size.

Moreover, the right rock (Kullu-Kaya) looks like the most impressive, having the form of a two-stage pyramid.

Rocks are made of limestones traditional for Crimea, which are quickly destroyed. But, if you conduct a thought experiment and "return" sedimentary rocks lying at the foot of the rocks, you can imagine the appearance of these objects several thousand years ago. Amazing constructions appear, only question is whether they are of natural origin or artificial.

The mystery of the two-stage pyramid is added by numerous notches on its faces, which, with a certain degree of imagination, appear as a kind of hieroglyphs. In addition, on the right side of the upper stage there is a recess that can be identified as a “Kozyrev mirror”.

The middle rock (Syrt-Kaya) is not so similar to the pyramid as the right one, but it has the Altyn-Beshik cave, which is absolutely impossible to get to without it. One can only guess how they got there in ancient times and why she served in general. Of course, modern climbers repeatedly got there seduced by the word "altyn" (altyn equaled 6 money, later - 3 kopecks), but no one found gold or precious stones there.

The riddle of the pyramids of the Belbek Canyon is kept by two guards silently looking at the Altyn-Beshik cave from the tip of the Kule-Burun rock located on the other side of the gorge.

The question of the antiquity of these faces remains open. Someone considers them modern pointing to "traces of chisel processing", while others believe that just modern vandals worked the chisel. While there is debate, mysterious faces gradually go into oblivion, just like, for example, the famous Crimean "astronaut".

The Swiss journalist Erich von Daniken’s book “Chariots of the Gods: The Unsolved Mysteries of the Past” was published in 1968, and in 1970, based on the book, they made the documentary “Memoirs of the Future”, which was shown in the Soviet Union. In this film, viewers saw an image similar to the ancient astronaut that Erich von Daniken found in North Africa.

In Crimea, there is a completely identical to the African image of the "astronaut":

True, travelers have to look upside down - an unknown sculptor, apparently, worked on the image, hovering over the rock.

To indicate the place where the "astronaut" is depicted, a block was neatly carved from a cliff.

But it is possible that the block fell off a cliff by itself. The name of the rock is Burun-Kaya, aka Iron. The rock is visible in the background in the first frames of the film "Prisoner of the Caucasus" Here is her view from the village of Kuybyshevo (former Albat):

Who would have thought that another artifact lurked in the small grotto of this mountain - the amazingly subtle performance miniature prehistoric petroglyph, to which, by a strange coincidence, modern vandals have not yet reached.

The sad fate of rock art in the Tash-Air grotto suggests that it is too early to show the public this petroglyph and the “astronaut”.

Another thing, the "sphinxes" - megalithic formations of natural origin, bearing traces of the attention of a person from ancient times.

The sphinxes closest to Sevastopol are in the Inkerman Valley.

As in the case of the Crimean pyramids, there is no need to search for sphinxes underground using sophisticated devices - just look out the window of a train coming from Sevastopol (or arriving at it). The ancient inhabitants of the Inkerman Valley,
they probably trembled with horror, approaching this statue with stone composure looking at the Sevastopol Bay.

A huge stone serpent on its upper part forms a path in the manner of modern concrete freeways. One can only imagine what processions to the head of the snake the local shaman arranged here.

The ancient "concrete" has a length of over two hundred meters and is clearly visible in the image from space.

You can give free rein to imagination and imagine how the ceremony of worshiping the stone serpent took place here:

The interest of local residents in the stone sculptures is evident from clearly man-made stone "caps" on megaliths of natural origin. Such "hats" can be
to see not only on the sphinxes of the Inkerman Valley, but also in other places where there are similar objects, which testifies to the common culture of worship of stone formations for this part of Crimea, which we conventionally call "sphinxes".

There are four groups of sphinxes in the Inkerman Valley. If you look from the other side of the valley, you will notice that the extreme left group of megaliths forming a “serpent”, “concrete” and individual megaliths with “caps” faces the hills of a clearly pyramidal shape, which somehow could be used by local shamans and make up a single a complex of objects of worship.

A walk to the Inkerman sphinxes can be combined with existing excursions - for example, you can walk there from the fortress of Kalamita or from the Inkerman vintage wine factory.

However, much more impressive objects of this kind are the sphinxes of Bakhchisarai. Alas, the streets of the Old Town pass through a deep gorge and tourists from the bus simply do not have a chance to see them. Sphinxes are partially visible from the courtyard of the Khan's Palace, but in order to appreciate this miracle of nature, you need to make a short walking tour from the gates of the palace.

Such monumental rocks could not fail to attract the attention of the ancient inhabitants of these places, so the space in front of them was always used as a cemetery. However, tourists can not guess about it, since during the Great Patriotic War a Romanian military cemetery was built here, which they tried to forget about after the war. Accordingly, they forgot about more ancient burials.

However, the main attention is drawn here to megaliths of various shapes and sizes from which you simply can’t take your eyes off.

Interestingly, some stone idols are crowned with traditional "caps".

Typically, curious tourists see one group of sphinxes over the Old City, but in fact there are two. If you go from the palace’s gate along the street in the opposite direction and find a path to the rock (in the picture you can see it in the background), then from there you can see the Russian settlement above which another group of sculptures of impressive
sizes. Alas, the trail is so steep that few of the guides dare to walk along it, and even more so to take unprepared tourists along it.

And right above the Khan Palace an interesting rock rises. Few people know that behind this rock a wide staircase was once cut down, presumably for the khan, so that the ruler could enjoy a bird's-eye view of his palace.

The sphinxes of the Karalez valley on the Uzun-Tarla hill near the village of Red Poppy (formerly Biyuk-Karalez) are not as monumental as the Bakhchisarai, but no less mysterious. True, tourists go there mainly ride a donkey.

However, it would be no less informative to get to know the sphinxes better.

And absolutely no one pays attention to the concave surfaces that are on the rock Uzun-Tarla. These are Kozyrev’s mirrors, the most interesting thing among the Karalesian sphinxes. As scientists established, Kozyrev’s mirrors were able to screen space and influence the course of time. It can be assumed that representatives of ancient civilization knew about the wonderful properties of such surfaces and somehow used them.

And one more thing: when there is a need to hunt for a UFO with a camera, then you have a direct road to the Karalez valley, to the sphinxes. For some reason, unidentified flying objects are very fond of those places. You will definitely be lucky.

In the same place, in the Kalalez Valley, there are many other objects worthy of close attention. For example, the steep slope of Mount Bash Kaya overhanging the village of Red Poppy. It is surprisingly similar to ... a port pier. The Uraus-Deresi river flowing in the valley had the Greek name Pelagos, which means "sea". Perhaps there was a sea strait, and the ancient Greeks sailed on it in their ships?

However, there are enough fantasies, back to the beginning: in 1999, Vitaly Anatolievich Gokh made an application for the discovery of the underground pyramid and sphinx. We have already established that in the Crimea there are quite enough pyramids and sphinxes - they are found literally at every step and do not require excavations. The only difference between the “Goch pyramid” is that it, together with the sphinx, is underground. Some powerful water currents flowed through this area in prehistoric times, and some quite common objects for the Crimea - such as the pyramid and sphinx - found themselves under the thickness of sedimentary rocks.

That's all.

It is quite possible that you just need to carefully look at the walls of the foundation pit where they tried to dig out the "Goch pyramid" and make sure that the researchers, making excavations, entered the thickness of the pyramid and sphinx. In other words, the researchers could dig up the pyramid and sphinx, but ... did not recognize them and began to dig further. The light rock in the picture is perhaps the object discovered by Goch underground using his device.

The public’s passionate desire to see the Goch pyramid (which was never found) obscures the really interesting objects located in the same place - the “pit” and “cavity”. These are extremely interesting and mysterious artifacts, moreover, quite common in the Crimea, only their interpretation given by researchers at the beginning of the 20th century can now be rethought.

Let's start with the "wells".

So we call any vertical hole in the ground, automatically assuming that there must be water at the bottom of the so-called "well". However, everything will change if we begin to consider these objects as "holes in the ground."

First of all, the public is interested in large "holes". Messages about the appearance of such mysterious objects immediately get into the media.

Relatively small holes in the ground do not attract media attention and are not considered a sensation, although such "holes in the ground" appear much more often, and no one can really explain the reasons for their formation. However, some enthusiasts are trying to penetrate into them, but nothing significant was found in the "holes".

In Sevastopol, the place of the largest concentration of such objects is the Kherson National Historical and Archaeological Reserve.

Of course, employees of the Kherson National Historical and Archaeological Reserve refer to these openings in the ground as "wells".

Note that in the eastern part of the territory of the ancient ancient city (Quarter II, Quarter III and Quarter VI) the "wells" are located in an unusually large number and completely next to each other, while in other parts of the reserve there are simply no "wells" - the Greeks do not need there were wells as they preferred to use
plumbing. In fact, these are typical “holes in the earth” that appeared here in prehistoric times.

If modern scholars continue to puzzle over the nature of education
such objects, then for the ancient Greeks there was no such problem - holes
in the earth, of course, the gods did.

However, you must admit, the ancient antique "well" is strikingly similar to the modern "hole in the ground" formed unknownly:

Since the holes in the earth were divine for the ancient Greeks, they treated them accordingly: most of the wells in the eastern part of the reserve (Quarter II, Quarter III and Quarter VI) are designed as religious buildings.

But this is not the end of the story, but only its beginning.

The ancient Greeks believed that human life is determined by rock, destiny. Even the gods were largely subject to the dictates of fate, although it was the duty of Zeus, the head of the Greek pantheon, to ensure that their life followed the intended path. People believed that the curtain of the future could be lifted, and, if necessary, they turned to oracles of all kinds for advice. The most famous was the oracle of the god of predictions Apollo, located near Delphi. To learn fate helped the soothsaying soothsayers who interpret the will of the deity. The procedure looked something like this:

The will of the gods was recognized by sitting over a karst hole and breathing in fumes from a source of mineral water in a cave. There were several such places in Chersonesos. In one of them, according to legend, he himself understood the divine revelation apostle Andrew:

An expanded interpretation of the biblical texts suggests that this cave also visited   Apostle Peter.

The karst cave was carefully camouflaged and, apparently, served as a refuge for the first Christians in Chersonesos, who for the time being avoided publicity. The rest of the townspeople to communicate with the gods could visit similar places accessible to everyone.

The holy place is easy to recognize - it is designed as a small rounded object:

The remains of another such bath can be seen in the sea:

But the most interesting is the place where Prince Vladimir, the Equal-to-the-Apostles himself, was baptized - all the same object of a rounded shape from ancient times the former center of worship for ancient pagans. Since there are a number of “karst wells” nearby, which are anxiously guarded by Khersonesites, it is quite logical to conclude that the princely font is located above one of such wells. What are the wells of Khersonesites so fond of?

True, modern artists see the rite of baptism of Prince Vladimir something like this:

But the intrigue remains - we still do not know the nature of the appearance of holes in the ground, as well as the true purpose of the ancient stone "rings".

Khersonessky National Historical and Archaeological Reserve is not the only place where such "rings" exist.

Among the cottages of Fiolent you can see a small wasteland - exactly opposite the estate at Fiolentovskoye Shosse No. 112/40 (not far from Cape Lermontov with the "Diana's Grotto").

Mysterious rings remained on the wasteland. It can be considered a miracle that summer residents have not yet allowed ancient stones into their economic circulation:

In total, in Sevastopol and its environs (i.e., on the Heracles Peninsula) about thirty such objects were found, the purpose of which no one can explain. The circles located on the territory of the Chersonesos National Historical and Archaeological Reserve are accompanied by wells of supposedly karst origin.

No less mysterious are the so-called "siege wells."

“Siege wells” are undoubtedly man-made objects. But there are a few ambiguities. The amount of water that can be collected there is surprising. Very characteristic in
in this regard, the Eski-Kermen siege well with an entrance in the form of a small rectangular hatch. A six-staircase ladder in the rock leads to the capturing gallery, where water accumulated. This grandiose structure (84 steps) cuts through the Eski-Kermen rock massif from top to bottom and ends with a caption gallery about 20 m long. Here, at the base of the rock, in a natural cave, a spring once flowed, which began to supply water to the gallery. The water reserve of this hydraulic structure was about 70-75 cubic meters. Precious liquid was delivered to the surface manually, by stairs. However, if we consider that during the siege in Eski-Kermen not only the citizens themselves gathered, but also the inhabitants of the surrounding villages (over 5 thousand people), and even brought cattle, then the amount of water collected in the siege well would obviously not be enough. So why was this grandiose building created?

Even more questions are raised by the object discovered in 1998-2001 by a group of researchers near the cave city of Chufut-Kale. This is the siege well of Tik-kuyu:

The diameter of the well is 1.8-2.2 m, the depth is -27 m. At a depth of 25 m, it adjoins 125 m. An underground gallery of square section 2 by 2 m, which gently rises to a height of 30 m. - Altyn-Merdven (Golden Staircase). Almost all of its length has been cut down
steps. Near the place where the gallery is connected to the well, a small branch
a move that has yet to be cleared. Below the gallery (at a depth of 27 m.) The well expands to almost 5 m. Due to the gentle descent - the "snail", i.e. a spiral staircase carved into the rocky massif, extending from the gallery portal into the depth of the well. Verily, there are places in the world that are better to see than to hear a hundred times.

The well of Tik-Kuyu leads the researcher into a dead end: firstly, he is outside the fortress - what kind of siege well is he then? Secondly, there is practically no water there -
where does he lead to? Thirdly, tremendous efforts and a lot of money were spent on its creation - why?

Interestingly, “siege wells” and staircases carved into the rock are found in almost every “cave city” beginning with the fortress of Kalamita and the Inkerman monastery located there.

Since any hole in the ground is automatically perceived as a “well” with water, no one pays any special attention to it, just as it does to “cereals”
pits "located in the courtyard of the monastery.

It can be assumed that the “cavity” also refers to the “cavity” that Vitaly Goh discovered at the underground pyramid No. 3.

"Grain pits" are in every "cave city" and not only there. The term itself ("cereal
pits ") came into use at the turn of the 20-30s of the last century just during the period of the collectivization and dispossession campaign. Perhaps, for the reasons of the political moment, the archaeologists of the time would be very helpful to insert the idea that there are fists in such pits the early Middle Ages could hide grain from the laboring peasantry. "

The thought seemed quite obvious and completely scientific, but only one circumstance was completely overlooked: the fists of the 1920s, who really hid the grain in the pits, did not standardize these pits in any way. And the Crimean “grain pits” are carved in limestone rocks under one standard. In the cave city of Bakla, you can get acquainted with the original profile of such a standardized cavity:

In the cave city of Eski-Kermen there were once whole batteries of similar cavities, which is very similar to a battery of galvanic cells (for each time there are its own associations):

Outside, the typical "grain pit" has a special rim, also in standard sizes:

This is the seat ring for the cover, which was installed on it and covered with geopolymer concrete. Most of the natural limestone (more than 90%) is formed from sludge. This is nothing more than a blank for natural geopolymer carbonate concrete. Silt contains fine particles of carbonates, fragments of shells and corals, as well as water and polymers - organic compounds. Therefore, limestone itself is natural geopolymer carbonate concrete. The secret of the production of geopolymer concrete in antiquity was known, and the technology was relatively simple: limestone was ground into powder, hardeners were added, mixed, and it could be applied. The composition hardened relatively quickly and later on did not differ much from ordinary limestone. Each "grain pit" has a neck worked under a cone. All cones are calibrated to a single standard.

The initial purpose of the "grain pits" is unknown. In Eski-Kermen, the Byzantine military engineers turned the batteries of “grain pits” into battle caves, where only the standard cone-shaped openings in the ceiling remained from the “grain pits” themselves.

Thanks to this technical solution - combining several "grain pits" into one cave - the Eski-Kermen combat casemates received a very peculiar interior design:

“Grain pits” (or what remains of them) can be found in all cave cities of Crimea, including the Inkerman Monastery, where four such pits are closed by bars before the entrance to the cave gallery. Alas on
nobody pays any attention to them. And by the way, this is nothing but the "Pandora's Box".

Ancient Greeks in a figurative form warned about the inadmissibility of opening such cavities. According to the ancient Greek myth, Pandora is the first woman on earth. Having descended into the world, she opens a box where all the troubles of mankind are stored. Most modern people believe that it was just a box, as the 14th-century scholar Erasmus of Rotterdam retold this myth. However, in an earlier retelling of the myth, which belongs to the pen of the Greek poet Hesiod, it is said that Pandora came to earth not with a box, but with a pix. Pixis is a big jug
used for a wide variety of purposes. Just such a jug, but
carved into the rock, we call the "grain pit."

Alas, most of the “grain pits” were discovered many centuries ago, and, according to the ancient Greeks, countless misfortunes came out and scattered all over the world: gout, rheumatism and colic - for the body; envy, malice and revenge are for the mind.

However, a certain amount of sealed "grain pits" in the Crimea is still left. There is no gold or precious stones there. But what is there?

To find out, one must return to the same underground pyramid of Gocha No. 3, the excavations of which were carried out quite near the Sevastopol Commodity.

Here is what the researchers themselves write about it: " Ten meters below, at around 25 meters, archaeologists discovered an unusual structure in the wall - something like an oval object protruding outward. They tried to extract it for two days and finally broke it. And they nearly died - the oval turned out to be hollow and included a huge amount of compressed carbon dioxide or something similar to it.

The walls of the object were covered with unusual growths containing quartz, carbon dioxide, charcoal and ash. Scientists also came across copper oxide. Outside, the dome was coated with a mixture of gypsum and egg white. The dome was mounted in gypsum concrete with protein. The dimensions of the dome are 40 cm, the diameter of the base is 55 cm. The analysis showed that these domes are carbon dioxide filled crystal oscillators. "

How many troubles and misfortunes have come to light, Vitaly Anatolievich Gokh does not specify in the reports on the results of the expedition.

Therefore, until the nature of the phenomenon is completely clarified, it is better not to open the Pandora's Boxes, and it is also undesirable to tell where they are.

Perhaps this is a “grain pit” whose lid is sealed with geopolymer concrete.

As you can see, the theme of the “Pyramid of Crimea” inevitably leads us to “other unusual sights” of which there are a lot on the peninsula, and, in fact, the theme is endless, and Crimea - the more you study it - the more the mysterious ancient country appears no less interesting, than Egypt.

The Crimean pyramids were accidentally discovered by Ph.D. Vitaly Goh in April 2001. This was perhaps the most high-profile archaeological discovery of the 21st century.

The age of these gigantic creations of human hands far exceeds the age of the Egyptian pyramids. It is possible that the development of the civilization that built them is higher than ours.

The first of the seven pyramids was discovered by the group of Vitaly Goh on the outskirts of Sevastopol. Searched for thermal waters. Suddenly, the device recorded a microwave field in a radius of 100 meters. Gokh realized that there was an unusual object underground.

They began to manually dig a pit at a depth of 9.5 meters and stumbled upon one of the faces of the pyramid. Having hollowed the wall, the search engines went deeper 38 meters underground, pulling about 40 tons of soil from the well with a ten-liter bucket, rendering three scrap, two sledgehammers and five chisels unusable.

As a result of titanic work, search engines found that the object has a geometric pyramid shape. Its height is 45 meters, and the length of the base is 72. The ratio of the side of the base to the height is 1.6. This is the standard for all pyramids that are open to date. In total, the Goh group discovered seven pyramids using the device. They are located on the same line - from Cape Sarych to the northwestern part of the coast of Kamyshovaya Bay.

To break through a layer of earth and rock fragments, researchers needed special equipment and equipment for a substantial amount. For some reason, the official scientific authorities of Ukraine were not interested in the find. When applying to the Crimean branch of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, there was a refusal, in the absence of at least some comment about the finding of the pyramids. When asked about the financing of work, the branch was silent. On their own, members of the group conducted an analysis of the material of the Crimean and Egyptian pyramids, comparing it with a chip from one of the pyramids in Giza. And they were surprised to find that almost the same material was used in the construction of the pyramids in both Egypt and Crimea!

The Crimean pyramids must be older than the Egyptian ones in their age - they rest at a depth of 5 to 10 m under a layer of sedimentary rocks. This could only happen as a result of the flood, and similar things happened in this area from 12 to 3 thousand years BC. The blocks from which the pyramids are made are fitted to each other with the same accuracy as the Egyptian ones, and are fastened with egg yolks and squirrels mixed with clay and putty made of copper sulfate.

When examining the pyramid, an oval-shaped object was found at around 25 meters. For two days, they tried to extract it outside and as a result they broke it. Immediately, the people who worked on the extraction of the item felt bad and managed to get out with difficulty. The recoverable item turned out to be hollow and, apparently, contained a large amount of carbon dioxide under pressure. They later found out that such things are placed in the walls at regular intervals. According to Goh, it’s interesting that the participants

groups during the study of the pyramid were cured of chronic diseases. Even an employee suffering from a severe form of heart disease felt much better and refused to continue to use medication.

When an attempt was made to recess the wall to get inside the pyramid, strange things began to happen. Unexpectedly, the device recorded a gain in radiation. Photographic films began to light up, compasses failed, the batteries in the flashlights ran out in minutes. Underground workers began vomiting, upset stomach, and severe headache. Goh's group was forced to stop work. Then strange things of a different kind began to occur. As soon as scientists, esotericists and psychics became interested in the pyramids, suddenly all the work on their study was curtailed. Without any explanation, the local authorities demanded that the researchers leave the Crimean peninsula.

Arriving at the behest of the authorities, the workers poured concrete over the broken mines. The press began an intensive defamation of Vitaliy Goh and his group. The discovery of the pyramids was tried in every possible way to debunk and defame. The area where the work was carried out was surrounded by barbed wire. The same thing happened at the time with the discovery of the pyramids in China. Travelers from Europe discovered them in Shaanxi Province. The area was immediately closed to foreigners, and Chinese authorities announced that it was not the pyramids that were found, but the agricultural buildings from the Han Dynasty.

Apparently, the Ukrainian authorities persistently and convincingly asked someone to close the area from researchers. And this “someone” seems to know a lot about the true purpose and possibilities of the pyramids. And how can one again not recall the world conspiracy? But it was not possible to completely close the Crimean Peninsula from enthusiastic researchers. They continued archaeological excavations. And Crimea recently issued a new sensation.

About ten years ago, the news thundered in the media: in the Crimea, in the vicinity of Sevastopol, underground pyramids were discovered, and one of them even managed to break through the pit. The sensation died down, not having been marked by anything productive, and it seems ... they forgot about it. But no - this summer, as was announced publicly, the mystery of the Crimean pyramids should be revealed: heavy equipment works on the site of one of the ancient relics.

The story of the Crimean pyramids began in 2001, when the Sevastopol Research Group, led by Ph.D. Vitaly Anatolyevich Goh, announced its sensational discovery. According to other published sources, the underground pyramids were discovered back in 1999 or 2000. The find was made absolutely by accident - during the search for thermal waters using the geohydrodiagnostic method, specially developed on the basis of the principles of biolocation and even patented in the State Patent of Ukraine (No. 134О8А from 16 12 96 MKI G 01 V 9/12, Ukraine).

At the site of the next survey, in the vicinity of Sevastopol, a powerful microwave field was recorded on a site with a radius of 100 meters through a unique “Goh device” with “author's know-how technologies”. At the point of maximum field strength, it was decided to break a pit to determine "the depth and power of thermal waters and deal with the background of the microwave field." At a depth of 9.5 meters, geologists buried themselves in a "gypsum concrete slab." After they managed to push through the obstacle, they went down to the level of 38 meters from the surface of the earth. Then they didn’t reach the bottom of the mysterious object - there was no necessary equipment, but with the help of primitive equipment - a bucket and a block - 40 tons of soil were raised to the surface.

The findings made immediately led to the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of a clearly man-made object underground, which, after additional research was carried out by unique authorial methods of "geoholography" and "geohydrodiagnostics", was identified as a pyramid. The height of the structure was determined at 45 m, and the base length at 72 m. And besides ... a sphinx figure was built in one of its faces, resembling more sculptures from Easter Island and containing a cavity-cavity in the parietal part of the head.

According to the assumption of one of the participants in the Sevastopol research group Taran V. that the discovered pyramid is unlikely to be the only one, the search area was expanded. Using the “Method of Geogolography”, six more similar buried underground structures were found, which together were located in one straight line, oriented from the northwest to the southeast, from Cape Khersones to Cape Sarych along the coastline. Subsequently, the number of "open" such pyramids in the territory of Crimea increased to 37, and no less than 200 similar objects were noted across Ukraine, which are fragments of the "unified Planetary system of sacred centers."

Further narration of the Crimean pyramids, around which tons of occult-mystical noodles were wound under the guise of "science", does not make sense here. Anyone can independently familiarize themselves with this by using search engines - since there are plenty of diverse information on the Internet on this occasion. Such loud sensations arising on the territory of a neighboring state are no longer surprising - the themes about Ukraine as the birthplace of elephants or the ancestral home of ancient planetary civilization have long been beaten, but enthusiasts are not translated.

To disassemble V.A. Goha, based on some "know-how", which is a trade secret, will not be here either, leaving this to the appropriate specialists. But based on the available information, there are great doubts about the declared scientific nature of the developed methods. For it is strange to read about how a retired captain of the 1st rank of the Navy and a candidate of technical sciences, using his self-made methods and instruments, makes discoveries worthy of the whole Academy of Sciences and requiring a radical revision of the whole existing picture of the world, right up to the radical editing of school textbooks. Okay, the matter would be limited only to the search for underground water and minerals, but a new model of the Earth’s core has already been proposed, Mars and the Moon have been “scanned”, the fact of the energy exchange of the Earth’s core through the pyramids with the stars Vega, Canopus and Capella has been established, and found in the constellations Pleiades and Orion signs of life. And why is this, one wonders, scientists have been tormenting their Hubble for so much time, because everything is so much easier?

Fortunately, criticisms of the work of the Goha group still sound, but against the background of a general flow of information about the Crimean pyramids and announcements of "esoteric excursions" they seem to be just tiny islands of prudence. The "Crimean pyramids" are actively turning into a mystical cult, like Arkaim, but the latter, unlike the underground structures of the Crimea, is a real archaeological site.

Neither the membership in the International Academy of Energy and Information Sciences (IAEN) and the International Academy of Fundamental Foundations of Life (IAFOB), nor the involvement in joint research is clearly not experts from science: the "research" Altair group (was also known under the names "Terra", "NAME", in fact the Simferopol group of clairvoyants and psychics), coupled with the Center for Spiritual Development "Galaxy", the International Center for Space Mind (ICRC, Moscow), led by Demick Ecumenical EN , "scientific" group of academician Muldashev E.R. .

Special attention should be paid to two scientists from the University of Arizona who also visited Crimea, and, in particular, Professor Alan Hildebrand, mentioned by Vitaly Goh in television programs about open pyramids. Based on the claims of Sevastopol researchers about the widespread use of protein (egg) during the construction of the underground pyramid, the American expressed the idea that to obtain such volumes of valuable material, they used only dinosaur eggs that died out 65 million years ago. And with the light hand of an overseas colleague, the age of the Crimean sensation was woodenized from 15-20 thousand years (again, it is not clear how the dating was made) until at least the end of the Cretaceous. It remains only to shrug and donate to the treasury of such bold assumptions ... But didn’t the construction of the objects of the unified Planetary system of sacred centers cause the death of dinosaurs? Surely all the eggs were destroyed on the vine ...

It is not clear why, with such interest in the underground pyramids of the dinosaur era from all kinds of academics, the Crimean authorities, represented by the Committee for the Protection of Monuments under the Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, and the Crimean branch of the Institute of Archeology of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, are turning their nose. Probably because the scientific approach should not be based on loud unfounded sensations, but on a scientific methodology, including the principle of "Occam's razor" - "do not multiply entities beyond what is necessary." If the underground object discovered by V. Goh's group is actually man-made, then can there really be no more rational versions of its origin and purpose?

According to the staff of the Tauric Chersonesos Museum-Reserve, pyramid seekers are excavating near the ruins of a manor of the 4th century BC, and the claimed “cavity cavity” in the “sphinx head” is a typical cistern for collecting water hollowed out in limestone. In 2001, Viktor Nadikta, a senior researcher at the historical and archaeological department of the Simferopol Museum of Local Lore, suggested that the construction could be the work of ancient Greek settlers who appeared in Crimea in the VI-V centuries BC. The Greeks did build similar structures, which were used as giant thermos or moisture condensers, and they were built before the arrival of the Tatars on the peninsula in the 16th century.

Perhaps many more versions will be made at the address of the “Crimean pyramids,” but the hypothesis of cyclopean structures of ancient civilizations of the time of the dinosaurs will require much more evidence than has been presented so far. And apparently for good reason, in July 2010, information appeared that heavy equipment was in full swing at the site of the first pyramid discovered, trying to get to the truth (a megalith site was leased by a certain Sevastopol businessman for 30 years). Excavations are led by the head of the Department of Archeology of the Odessa University of the Evolution of Reason (!?) Vladimir Zhitnik, who managed to attract investments to this project. Who knows, maybe this season the yellow sensation will turn into an unshakable fact shaking the foundations of a number of sciences? I still want to believe in the miraculous.