Dolmen in the wolf how to get. Volkonsky dolmen - stone doctor

The Black Sea coast of the Western Caucasus is literally dotted with dolmens reminiscent of the ancient peoples who inhabited these lands, their culture, traditions and beliefs. Among them, there is one that is unique even by world standards. This is a monolithic Volkonsky dolmen, which reached his contemporaries in almost perfect condition. Even in Europe, where stone structures began to be protected from vandalism and destruction in the 18th century, there are simply no analogues to it. Amazing not only its size, but also the titanic efforts that unnamed architects spent on the construction of a mystical structure.

A bit about dolmens

Historians cannot say exactly where dolmens were first built. It is believed that this could be the Iberian Peninsula, the Balearic Islands or Sardinia. It is believed that these were ritual and religious buildings that served ancient people as spiritual centers. Located in the centers of geo-and electromagnetic activity, they have certain paranormal properties. A long stay near them, proven by doctors, affects a person. For example, cell division or platelet formation and glucose production are accelerated, blood pressure rises and migraines occur, which adversely affects the body.

About 3 thousand structures of the late "megalithic" period were discovered in the western part of the Caucasus Mountains, which can be divided into two types: composite and monolithic. The former are built of several stones or rock slabs, as if composed of parts, the latter are hollowed out in solid pieces of rock. Most of them are destroyed by time or by man, but some are well preserved, reaching our time in almost pristine condition.


Volkonsky dolmen belongs to the group of monolithic and is the only complete and preserved representative of this type. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that even the roof of the structure is part of the “native” rock, and not with a stone partition laid over time with time. It is carved inside a huge piece of stone (about 17-18 meters long and about 8 meters wide), and it's hard to imagine how it could be done more than 4000 years ago.

Outwardly, the dolmen completely looks like tiled “brothers”, with a furnished facade and a round entrance-hole. Behind it lies a rather large internal space of a domed shape, with a ceiling height of up to 1.5 meters, where several adults can freely fit. The main cavity was created by sampling softer stone and sandy rocks, but there were traces of a chisel on the walls, which was used to expand the chamber.

The floor of the interior is also stone and flat, processed by a person, and has a recess near the entrance. Some scientists believe that it serves to collect moisture in one place. Others suspect “black archaeologists” who have searched inside for something of value.

In the back of the rock, in which the dolmen is carved, there is a second cup-shaped recess, causing controversy among specialists. Some are sure that this is the first place where the ancient builders tried to break into the stone. The second suggest that this is a religious deepening, which was used for ritual purposes.

In addition to all the mystical properties inherent in stone buildings, the Volkonsky dolmen constantly emits a “hum” at low frequencies that are not audible to the human ear. This is proven by scientists and measuring instruments. Thus, he indirectly confirms the hypothesis that is fantastic for the majority, that the buildings could be used as “repeaters,” providing “cellular” communication between various tribes and villages of ancient people.

Where is Volkonsky dolmen and how to get there

Geographically dolmen is located near the village Volkonka   , 60 kilometers north of the center of Greater Sochi, in the valley of the mountain river Godlich. The settlement is part of the Lazarevsky district of the resort city, located on the highway "A-147", the only one running along the entire Black Sea coast. From the village itself to the Volkonsky Gorge, there are about 600 equipped meters one way, so a visit to the dolmen can be called a weekend trip, accessible even to small tourists.

To visit the Volkonsky dolmen, it is enough to get to Volkonka using personal or public transport, from where the walking part of the route begins. Pay attention to the fact that megalith is located on the right side of the highway (towards the sea), if you look in the direction Sochi .

What else to see in the gorge

Behind the Volkonsky dolmen there is a hydrogen sulfide mineral spring, water into which comes directly from the geological fault. In no case can you drink it, but it has useful properties for external use (washing, dousing or rubbing).

From the spring originates a trail that runs along the river along the bottom of the gorge. It is well maintained, not difficult, and in the right places is equipped with railings and bridges. The path leads to another attraction of Volkonka and Lazarevsky   - the rock "Two brothers." This stone formation consists of two rock blocks forming an arch of irregular shape, under which Godlich flows. Rocks overgrown with moss and vegetation, streams of water rushing out with murmur create an amazing impression worthy of a short trip to them.

It becomes especially interesting after meeting the legend according to which the stone giants are siblings, and the river is the beloved of one of them. Locals say that a long time ago a young man named Aslan lived in these places. He was from a rich and noble family, but fell in love with the commoner Godlich, against whom all his relatives protested against the marriage. Especially the brother, Khadzhimuk, who demanded never to meet her again.

The young man could not give up his love, preferring to turn into stone, and his brother, realizing what he had done, also became a rock, forever staying nearby, redeeming his guilt. This conversation and the transformation of a loved one into stone was seen by Godlich, who also did not want to part with Aslan, and became a mountain river, washing the foundation of the rocks with her eternal current. Rumor has it that on special days, listening, in the murmur of water, you can make out the names of the brothers and the failed bride.

One of the most ancient and mysterious sights of Greater Sochi is Volkonsky dolmen. A trip to this historical monument is a great opportunity to touch the primitive culture and admire the natural beauties surrounding it.

Where is Volkonsky dolmen located on the map?

It is located in the microdistrict, somewhat south of the Soloniki station - in the Volkonka farm, where you can also see the Church of the Royal Martyrs.

The unique dolmen is located at the very bottom of the Godlich River Valley, surrounded by a picturesque hornbeam forest. It belongs to the monolithic type of such buildings, that is, its inner chamber is completely made through a small gap in the sandstone rock. His age is approximately 10 thousand years. The Volkonsky dolmen can be called exceptional, since this is the only surviving monolithic structure in the whole world. The object got its name in vain - Princess Volkonskaya loved to spend her free time near it.

Megalith has an impressive size: it is cut down in a massive rock 16 m long and 7 m wide. The round portal leading to the domed interior has been perfectly preserved, but there is no cork blocking the entrance. The height of the cave is one and a half meters, the floor is absolutely flat, but the walls are not finished - this allows us to conclude that the construction was never completed. It has two more distinctive features:

  • Funnel in the half-chamber. Its purpose was never determined by scientists and researchers.
  • Groove-bowl on the back. It is assumed that it was used to conduct various rituals - ritual and fortune telling, to collect water.

The unusual rock complex “Two Brothers” can be found by slightly rounding the Volkonsky dolmen. The legend that envelops this place will certainly be heard by tourists during the campaign.

According to ancient legend, one rich young man from a noble and revered family fell in love with a simple peasant girl. His older brother found out about the family’s slanderous relationship, opposed the marriage of young people, and tried with all his might to separate them. Then the lover exclaimed that it would be better to turn into stone than to remain without his beloved. His cry was heard by heaven - he turned into an impregnable cliff.

The eldest of the brothers could not survive the loss and, repenting, shared the fate of a young man - turned into a huge rock. The unfortunate peasant woman, left without her lover, also suffered a no less terrible fate - she became a noisy mountain river.

Walk to the Volkonsky dolmen

This dolmen is part of the Sochi National Park, so entry to its territory is paid. He hid in the forest more often: in order to reach him, he would have to walk a little through the cool forest and cross the suspension bridge over the Godlich river. The whole way is equipped with signs that indicate the path to the megalith. The trail leads to a small clearing with a ticket office where tickets are paid. Here you can explore the stands describing the sights and the Volkonsky Gorge itself. Guests here meet a variety of wooden statues.

Already from afar, from a glade near the entrance, a dolmen is noticeable. A convenient wooden flooring 300 m long with a railing leads to it. Having overcome this short distance, you can finally enjoy the purpose of travel. According to traveler reviews, the atmosphere here is incredible - there is a strong energy and an amazing surge of vitality.

And not in vain: it is believed that such religious buildings are built on the sites of geological faults, from where powerful electromagnetic radiation comes from. Regarding the Volkonsky dolmen, it is difficult to assume its true purpose: perhaps it is just an ancient tomb or a kind of altar, the venue of cult customs. In any case, it’s already impossible to establish exactly what miracles were happening here.

Dolmen was erected at a height of one meter above the ground on huge blocks of stone. It is surrounded by a low fence, but curious travelers can climb the ledges to the very top to look into the monolith’s chamber. It is necessary to be careful and remember that the Volkonsky dolmen is a cultural monument protected by the state.

Already, the safety of a popular tourist site is in jeopardy: the walls are thinning due to the constant flow of tourists and explorers. Acts of vandalism here are also not uncommon: often a stone is spoiled with various inscriptions and drawings that must be removed - the real surface is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain.

A visit to the Volkonsky dolmen involves a visit to two more interesting sights:

  • Hydrogen sulfide mineral source. The spring flows directly from the rock located behind the dolmen. The smell and taste of the water is peculiar, but it has healing properties. There is also a wish tree with many colorful ribbons, each symbolizing someone's cherished dream.
  • The rock formation "Two Brothers". These impressive blocks of stone are located just behind the ancient monolith described above. It is extremely easy to get to them along the trail equipped for visitors with walkways and handrails, but you will gain positive impressions here too.

How to get (get there)?

It is not difficult to get to it by any city transport connecting Lazarevskoye and Sochi - first of all, we are talking about buses and minibuses passing along the A-147 highway, your stop is Glinishche. If you decide to go by train or train, then go to the station "Volkonskaya".

By car from Lazarevsky it is best to get to the Volkonsky dolmen like this:

Tourist note

  • Address: st. Andreevskaya, Volkonka, Lazarevskoye, Sochi, Kuban, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 43.873273, 39.395867.

The oldest monument in Sochi - Volkonsky dolmen - annually attracts hundreds and even thousands of tourists. What awaits travelers who find themselves near an old building? Wonderful energy, magnificent nature and incredibly beautiful legend. Here you can make memorable photos, collect useful water and relax your body and soul! Still don't believe it? Watch the video and share your impressions and reviews about visiting this enchanting attraction!

The Volkonsky dolmen is the only ancient monolithic structure preserved in the Caucasus, assembled not from slabs, but completely carved into the rock.

A similar structure is located in the Krasnodar Territory, in the suburbs of Tuapse. It is called the Dolmen of Well-Being and is considered the largest ancient building in the whole region. It is also carved into the rock, but not with a solid monolith, but with a roof covered with a stone slab.

Unusual view of the structure

Volkonsky dolmen, a photo of which is presented in the article, is created from a single rock piece. Inside, it was carved through a small outer hole. Scientists date similar buildings II millennium BC. However, there is evidence that this ancient monolith was built 5-7 thousand years ago.

How could such a dolmen be created in those days with primitive tools? On this score, experts build only speculation. It is this quality of dolmen that attracts a large number of tourists and vacationers.

There are more than a hundred such buildings in Sochi, but they are all tiled. The Volkonsky building is the only one of its kind, which was created without components.

The building itself is a monument of archeology and is located in the Lazarevsky district, near the village of Volkonka, near the Godlich river.

The purpose of the monolith

According to some scholars, such structures served as a kind of sanctuary for ancient people, they conducted special rituals and meditations. Volkonsky dolmen is no exception. Legend says that he received such a name on behalf of Princess Volkonskaya, whose estate was nearby. She loved to spend a lot of time near the dolmen in spiritual thoughts.

Near the building is a mineral spring, and a little further along the path rises the rock "Two Brothers".

Volkonsky dolmen - how to get there?

This ancient place is very easy to reach. You need to go along the Lazarevskoye-Sochi road to the settlement of Soloniki. Then drive another two kilometers, and there will be a parking lot. Here you should leave the vehicle and move along the path towards the sea. After 300-400 meters, it will lead just to the dolmen. The path is created in the form of stairs.

It is forbidden to go down to the gorge, where the ancient building is located, by car, and the road here is very bad for cars. In addition, a short hike through the forest will only be in favor and joy.

The gorge and the dolmen along with other attractions are located on a visit which is paid.

Volkonsky dolmen: reviews

Judging by the reviews of tourists and people who visited the ancient structure, they are most struck by the antiquity of the building and the way it was turned from a piece of rock. Some experts believe that it is one of a kind, not only in Russia but throughout the world.

The structure itself is large: its length is 17 meters, a width of just over 8 meters. The entrance to the dolmen is made in the form of a plate.

Inside is a large shelter with a height of 1.5 meters. It can accommodate a few people.

Volkonsky dolmen monolith has a flat floor. At the entrance there is a round funnel, presumably for the drainage of water or any other liquid.

The construction of the structure is designed so that it creates a strong echo. So, all the words spoken in the hole of the dolmen, come back without distortion.

Exterior Building Attractions

This sacred place has some special appeal. This is often emphasized by both visitors and residents of Sochi. Volkonsky dolmen has special holes above and behind, which are considered to be ritual bowls.

In the bowl located above, rainwater is collected. Many people believe that it has healing properties. However, it is not recommended to drink. And we will return to this a little later.

What is dolmen?

Archeology and physicists, as well as many people outside the official scientific community, are involved in these structures. Each of them finds something valuable in these ancient buildings. Some say that dolmens are burial chambers, others are sacrificial places, and others are rooms for solitary meditations and initiations into various cults. How many people study these ancient structures, so many opinions exist.

Although some statements should probably be listened to. So, for many children, near the dolmen, the head begins to hurt, which has been noticed by many scientists.

Experts conducting studies of the influence of the ancient building on the human condition noticed that being near the dolmen for a long time (4 hours) increases the level of platelets in the blood, and this is bad for health and affects the blood glucose, which is dangerous for people with diabetes. In this case, the pressure rises to the peak of acceptable indicators.

Many doctors have come to the conclusion that a long stay at an ancient building greatly affects the nervous system.

Scientist Versions

Experts believe that most of the anomalies are due to the fact that dolmens are built along the fault lines of the earth's crust, which creates an electromagnetic field that affects both natural processes and human health.

So, the Volkonsky dolmen, according to scientists, emits low-frequency “sound” in the range of 2.8 Hz, which our hearing aid does not perceive.

Also, many studies and experiments have shown that you should not "charge" food and drink in these ancient buildings. A liquid that will stand for a day in a dolmen when it enters the human body stimulates the process of cell division, which can lead to cancer.

There are many secrets of these buildings. It’s impossible to solve all of them. The main secret that excites ordinary visitors to dolmens and famous scientists: “How were they built? How were the huge slabs dragged and how were they installed? ” There is a version that dolmens were cast in parts, as concrete structures do today.

Cost of visiting

The entrance to the gorge, where the Volkonsky dolmen is also located, costs 100 rubles.

Admission is free for children under ten years old, participants in the Great Patriotic War and military operations, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups and other socially protected layers of the population.

Opinions of specialists

Ancient people, including our ancestors, did not possess modern building technologies, but they could build and possess such an opportunity, masterpieces of architecture that cost not only centuries, but also millennia. For example, the Egyptian pyramids, the British Stonehenge and, of course, the dolmens.

The fact that modern technology cannot repeat the construction of the ancients, tells us that the ancient people were not so primitive, but possessed such knowledge that their descendants had never dreamed of.

Therefore, scientists, researchers and all sorts of specialists only make a helpless gesture when it comes to the structures of antiquity. The only thing that scholars agree on is that almost all of these buildings, which have survived to our times, were intended to perform religious rituals and rituals.

Legends of Volkonsky Gorge

The dolmen is associated with a beautiful story that guides tell tourists. One rich and noble young man fell in love with a poor but beautiful girl. The older brother of the young man, learning about this, forbade her to marry. The lover then exclaimed that it would be better to turn into stone than live without a beloved, and then the gods fulfilled his request. The elder, having seen this, repented and asked heaven for the same fate that had befallen his brother. So two rocks appeared in the gorge, called “Two Brothers”. And the girl could not exist without her lover and was transformed into a pure stream, which flows nearby.

Here is such a beautiful legend explaining the toponymy of this wonderful and mysterious place.


Volkonsky dolmen is not only a monument to archeology, but also history. Many lovers of "places of power", alternativeists and ordinary tourists come here to touch the millennia-old antiquity, visit a beautiful place called Volkonskoe Gorge and enjoy the amazing view and the cleanest air.

Those who see in the domain not only a historical structure of the Stone or Bronze Age, but a sacred ritual place should keep in mind that it is extremely dangerous to conduct experiments on your psyche without proper preparation and necessary knowledge. Also, as already mentioned, none of the products should be “charged". Indeed, apart from the determination that the dolmen is a “place of power”, no one really knows what rituals were performed here, maybe they also made some sacrifices.

But in any case, everyone who approaches this ancient place feels some kind of solemnity, mystery and great antiquity. In the end, this is our story that we must know and respect. Moreover, there is substantial evidence that our ancestors did not "get off the trees" when the first Europeans came to them, but, on the contrary, already possessed ancient and megalithic structures, knowledge and a highly developed culture. And the described dolmen is an example of this.

Volkonsky dolmen is one of the most visited places in Tuapse. The history of this unusual structure is not clear. It has been proven that staying near a dolmen affects to a varying degree the well-being of a person.

Dolmens in Tuapse is an interesting and unusual phenomenon that attracts a large number of tourists from all over the world. To date, more than 400 specimens have been discovered, an active study of these places is ongoing.


Volkonsky dolmen is a unique monument of antiquity, as it is a monolith, and therefore not assembled from individual stones, but carved from one large block. Its diameter reaches one and a half meters. Surprisingly, the internal cavity was carved through a small circular hole in front. We can only guess what skills the ancient people had since they had done such a colossal job. In any case, there is no similar dolmen in shape and design all over the world.
  In warm time, dolmen attracts tourists, it is always noisy and crowded here.

How to get to Volkonsky dolmen

If you follow the Novorossiysk-Sochi highway, passing the Godlik River, you will meet a gorge. A bus stop sign and a parking spot are striking. If you turn a little earlier near local shops, you can drive closer by car. Otherwise, you need to park the car at the river, and go down to the dolmen yourself on the wooden stairs. The distance does not exceed 200 meters.

A bit of dolmen history

Dolmen was built in places with a large accumulation of energy. Scientists do not know the exact purpose, but there is an opinion that they are carved in the burial places of families of rulers and famous people.
  There is also a version that tiny people lived in these territories, and dolmens were used as dwellings.
  There are so many opinions that scientists from different countries regularly add new facts. And still, their work did not clarify almost anything for the people of our day.
The estate of the Volkonsky princely family was nearby these places, therefore this name appeared. The princess often walked in these places, hiding in the greenery from the bright scorching sun.

Dolmen Description

Inside the dolmen there is nothing unusual. A small space with stone walls and an earthen bottom. There can be no more than two people at a time. There is a small hole at the entrance. What function did it perform is unknown? If you say loud words in the middle of the dolmen, you will hear a loud echo in response. Outside, there are holes where rainwater collects.

Useful properties of dolmen

Scientists and researchers note that even after a short stay near the dolmens in Tuapse, people feel better, a surge of strength and energy appears. Almost everyone says that there is a stabilization of blood pressure. Doctors also noticed an increase in platelets and glucose. Excessive stay in these places irritates the human nervous system, which is not very useful.

Scientists are trying to dispel myths of otherworldly influences, and are trying to find a connection with the geological faults of the earth's surface.
  The complexity of dolmen buildings is not inferior to the Egyptian pyramids. Perhaps we can find out how, without the help of technology, it was possible to carry so heavy stone slabs.

Location on the map

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The only monolithic dolmen preserved in the Caucasus, that is, not assembled from plates, but completely carved into the rock.

Before that, we saw a lot of dolmens of the Krasnodar Territory. Perhaps the most amazing (of those that have been seen before) was the dolmen in Tuapse, in the village of Prigorodnoye. It is called the Dolmen of Well-Being and is considered the largest dolmen of the Krasnodar Territory. It is also carved into the rock. But not a monolith, but a trough. That is, the walls and floor are carved from the monolith, but the roof there was laid on top later. Which greatly simplified the work on the construction.

Dolmens Tuase. Dolmen Wellbeing

Dolmen in Volkonka is created from a single piece of rock. That is unusual. Terrific, but its inner cavity was carved only through a small hole. It is hard to imagine how enormous work this is, and how difficult it was to do in the second millennium BC.

Volkonsky dolmen - monolithic

Volkonsky dolmen is a monument of archeology. It is located in the Lazarevsky district, near the village of Volkonka (Big Sochi) in the Godlich river valley.

Volkonsky dolmen - a monument of archeology

It is said that the dolmen is named in memory of Princess Volkonskaya, who loved to go to him and spend “days on end” with him. The estate of the Volkonsky princes was nearby. It has not survived and, honestly, I don’t even know anything about it. If anyone knows - tell me, interesting.

We visited the Volkonskoye Gorge on the road to Sochi during this May trip. Even when we were traveling here in November last year, I drew attention to the pointer to this landmark of Sochi. But on the road, time is so precious, forever these traffic jams, road repairs ...

And in May we drove well, although we were not in such a hurry. So we decided to take a walk in the Volkonskoye Gorge.

On the way we met here such an interesting tree.

Such an unusual tree

Or two trees? Or even three? What do you think, how many trees are there, woven in an embrace?

Or is it still not one tree?

By car do not even think to go down into the gorge. Firstly, there is such a road that you will regret it. Secondly, it is foolish to deprive yourself of a walk in the forest. Thirdly, you don’t even have time to go very close. Fourthly, the passage of vehicles through the gorge is prohibited.

The road to the Volkonsky Gorge - only for pedestrians

A staircase leads down to the gorge.

Wish tree - we met many of them

The route pattern shows that the walk is short and easy. The length of the trail is only 600 meters (that is, the full route is 1 kilometer 200 meters). This text is stolen from the site of the Road of Peace (site)!

Scheme of the route along the Volkonsky Gorge

The following tourist sites are located in the Volkonsky Gorge: the Volkonsky dolmen itself, a spring with hydrogen sulfide mineral water, rocks Two brothers with a tunnel through which the Godlich river flows and the very picturesque Volkonskoye gorge itself.

Mysteries of Volkonsky dolmen

Dolmen, as I said, is very unusual. Monolithic, carved from the rock. Some even argue that he is the only one not only in the Caucasus, but throughout the world. Quite possible.

The dolmen itself, together with the base, is quite large: about 17 meters long and about 8 wide. The portal is imitated under a tiled dolmen.

Dolmen portal imitated under a tiled

Inside there is a spacious cavity. In height - one and a half meters. It can accommodate several people.

Volkonsky dolmen's camera inside

The floor is flat. And only at the entrance of the hole. For what purpose it is done - it is not known. Perhaps to drain the water. And maybe for something else.

Hole in the floor of the Volkonsky dolmen

There is a strong echo inside the dolmen. And even if you say something in the hole, then all the words come back.

On top of the dolmen and on the reverse (back) side of it are the holes. There are suggestions that these were ritual bowls. In the upper bowl, on the roof of the dolmen, rainwater is collected. Many believe that it has healing properties. Why you should not drink it - learn further.

Bowl with rainwater on a dolmen's roof

Dolmens are a very extensive topic. Whoever does not study them: archaeologists, physicists and people very far from science ... Everyone finds something different. There are many versions, from scientific to the most fantastic. Scientists agree on one thing: these are funerary places of worship. Well, numerous non-scientific versions can be read on various sites about dolmens, I will not retell them.

Scientists are engaged in solving numerous riddles of dolmens.

For example, Oleg Tatkov, candidate of medical sciences, doctor of the military sanatorium “Chemitokvadzhe” (Big Sochi), became interested in the fact that children (usually not reading stories about dolmens) near these ancient structures often have a headache. The experiment showed that in people who are 4 hours or more near the dolmen, the number of platelets in the blood (which is not very good for health) and glucose (which is completely undesirable for diabetics) increases, and the pressure rises to the very limit of normal values. The doctor concluded that prolonged exposure to dolmens excites the nervous system.

Our children at the Volkonsky dolmen

Scientists attribute most of the anomalies to the fact that dolmens are on geological faults. This also causes electromagnetic anomalies.

Mysteries of dolmens excite many

Employees of the Southern Federal University found that the Volkonki monolithic dolmen resonates with a frequency of 2.8 Hz, that is, “buzzes” in the low-frequency range that is not caught by the human ear.

I'm at the Volkonsky dolmen

Studies have also been conducted proving that it is not necessary to “charge” food and water in these ancient structures. Water, standing for a day in the dolmen, initiates and stimulates the process of cell division. Drinking such water can even lead to cancer. Therefore, all sorts of homegrown tricks with ancient buildings are simply dangerous.

There are many mysteries. But the main one is how dolmens were built, how heavy slabs of sandstone were transported, how they were laid on top. In terms of labor intensity, the construction of dolmens is in no way inferior to the construction of Egyptian pyramids. But since dolmens are smaller, it is quite feasible for several people to build them, which was also confirmed experimentally.

Our youngest daughter at the Volkonsky dolmen

However, there are versions that dolmens were cast at all, as concrete structures are cast now. All these versions and experiments are described by the experts themselves (scientists, doctors and others) in the film-documentary trilogy Dolmens. Journey to the Origins. ”

Attention!   Volkonsky dolmen is a monument of archeology, protected by the state. This is the only dolmen monolith in the Caucasus. Some not too smart people carve inscriptions from the category "Vasya was here" on an ancient monument. Do not be like primitive people. Believe me, unlike their drawings, the inscriptions of our contemporaries have no value for history, they only spoil a unique historical object.

Since some people like to tie ribbons in such places - original offerings to the spirits of mountains, forests and dolmens, here a pyramid for tying ribbons is specially for them. You cannot tie ribbons to trees! It ruins them.

Ribbon Tie Pyramid

Unfortunately, sometimes visitors to this unique place dig up the earth from under the dolmen, break off pieces from it, which leads to the destruction of the ancient archeological monument. Be prudent! Try to save this miracle for those who come here after you, for our descendants. Do not commit crimes before history and humanity. Attitude to historical monuments reflects the cultural development of man.

How to get to Volkonsky dolmen. From the center of Sochi to Volkonka - 58 kilometers.

If you go to Sochi from Dzhubga along the M27 highway, then about 10 kilometers after the village of Lazarevskoye there will be a Volkonka sign. After him, look on the right side. There will be a signpost, bus stop and car parking.

The coordinates of the Volkonsky dolmen: N 43 ° 52’23.65 ″, E 39 ° 23 ′ 44.31 ″.

From the bus stop, go down to the right, then further down the wooden stairs and exit along the clearing to the gorge.

The road to the Volkonsky gorge

How much is.The admission fee is 80 rubles. Children under 10 years old - free of charge. Disabled WWII and hostilities, participants in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident, disabled people of the 1st and 2nd groups, large families - free of charge.

Even if you are not interested in history, then, of course, such a unique dolmen is worth a look at it.

Volkonsky dolmen is the only one in the world

In conclusion, I propose to see one of the parts of the trilogy of Denis Ovsyannikov “Dolmens. Journey to the Origins. ” It tells a lot of interesting things about these unique structures of antiquity, including the dolmen in the Volkonsky Gorge.

Have you seen the Volkonsky dolmen?

Or maybe other unusual dolmens visited?

The next time I’ll tell you about a walk along the Volkonsky Gorge.

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